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Xanax and sleeping

  • 30-01-2012 10:37pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,461 ✭✭✭

    I hope its okay to post this here, I am not seeking medical advice just hoping to hear from others who have a similar experience or knowledge about these drugs.

    I was prescribed 0.5mg xanax by an out of office hours doctor at the weekend. I didn't actually take any of these until last night. I fell asleep from 7pm until 12am, woke up for about 40mins then took half a 0.5 xanax and went back to sleep until 8am - so I had more than enough sleep.

    Today I went to my gp who gave me 0.25mg xanax to take twice a day, or three times if I really need it and i'll be on it for at least 3 months. He told me its not addictive but reading online it seems a lot of people say it is. The last thing I want to do is get hooked on pills over this, I have a relative who relies on valium to get her through the day. I usually get frustrated if I can't fall asleep within 15/20 mins, so I can see the xanax being tempting in the future if i'm not sleeping easy. Does anyone know if 3 months is enough time to get you "hooked" on it? Of course I could be on it longer, but I am getting referred to see a psychologist within the next two weeks so I hope that will help (maybe i'm being too positive about that:P)

    Anyways, around 3.30pm today I took half of a 0.25mg xanax and soon after I was feeling tired and sluggish, and ended up spending most of the evening in bed. Not sleeping, just laying there. Around 7pm I fell asleep on-and-off for two hours. I usually never sleep more than 7/8 hours a night so sleeping over 12 hours last night and 2 hours this evening is really worrying me. Did anyone else have a similar experience with xanax?

    Thanks in advance. :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 131 ✭✭outnumbered82

    I took xanax when i was stressed out i'd take half a tablet just to help me sleep and i did feel they worked great. I wouldnt take them during the day because it would floor me.

    I have heard they are adictive and when i went looking for a prescription for them i could only get one for 6 tablets. So just be careful not to take them when you dont need them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,461 ✭✭✭dee.

    Thanks for the reply. I got a months supply changed in the chemist yesterday (0.25mg x 60) but my doctor wants me to take 2 of those a day along with other tablets which list tiredness as a main side effect...I'll just be asleep 24/7 if I do!

    I think I'll hold off and just try to take them when I need them as you said.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,288 ✭✭✭✭ntlbell

    I would advise you to seek a second opinion from another doctor.

    Hopefully this isn't deemed as "medical advice"

  • Registered Users Posts: 126 ✭✭Katy89

    i'm shocked.
    xanax is a benzodiazepine and it is highly addictive if it's taken over a longer period. even two weeks could be enough for an addiction. especially dangerous if you take it yourself alone at home in various amounts, means not in the supervison of a hospital.

    I'm lost for words how a doctor can be in the business who's advising clients this drug is not addictive.

    I would change the gp but before I really would have a word with this man and probably would report him to a relevant medical association.

    he could cause severe damage to other patients!

    take care of yourself and change the gp. all the best!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,461 ✭✭✭dee.

    Thanks for replying.

    I asked the doctor I seen out of hours (emergency doctor, not my gp) If the Xanax was addictive and he said no. He prescribed me 0.5mg x 12.

    I have been trying to remember if I asked my gp about them being addictive when he prescribed the Xanax or the other tablets, but I honestly don't remember. I was quite emotional and my head was a bit of a mess so I can't accuse him of something I'm not 100% sure of. He is a wonderful doctor and has been very helpful to me in the current situation I'm in. What does bother me is that even if it was the other pills he said weren't addictive, I feel like maybe I should have been informed about the Xanax being addictive anyways. And the other medication he prescribed, while does what it's supposed to better than any other pills on the market, lists tiredness and weight gain as main side effects. Half of one 0.25mg Xanax knocks me out for the evening so I can't imagine taking what I'm prescribed (2 x 0.25 a day) another thing is that I'm overweight so really can't afford to gain more weight, I find it incredibly hard to lose it!

    Anyways I havent had to take any Xanax yet today, I'm really trying to stay away from it until I'm desperate. I have seen someone get hooked on Valium to the point where she can't get through the day without popping a few...these pills are not to be taken unless you desperately need to it seems!

    Thanks for all the replies everyone. Mods can lock this if they want, I hope my posts don't seem like I was seeking medical advice - just opinions from people familiar with the drugs as sometimes google isn't enough!

    Thanks! :)

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