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B. Science Mathematics NUIG - Actuary

  • 29-01-2012 9:35pm
    Registered Users Posts: 34

    Hey, I'm filling my CAO this year, repeating my leaving certificate!

    I'm interested in becoming an actuary for the past two years but i'm not too sure of yet. I was looking at courses in UCD and DCU but wouldn't really be a dublin person. I was in NUI Galway last year for a year and did Commerce (Accounting). Wasn't for me at all but would LOVE to return in September.

    Can anyone give me any information on B. Sc Mathematics in NUIG? What career options does it carry? And if i did decide to become an actuary (very likely at this stage), does anyone know if this course carries exemptions for the actuarial exams and if so, how many?? Also, do the big 4, or insurance companies take people with straight maths degrees as trainee actuary or would I have to do a post grad course like the one in DCU to become a trainee actuary?

    I love maths and it's always been my favourite subject and of now i'm 100% sure I want to pursue a career in this field. I'm nearly 20 now and have matured a lot since doing the LC in 2010. I got 475 and didn't apply for the CAO last year and I would've been doing this course now if did because I did have the points. But, decided on repeating the LC again.

    Could anyone tell me any other careers with this maths degree too because I'm not sure what other careers can come out of it?

    Some please reply :).


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