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OCD - ruminating

  • 24-01-2012 7:58pm
    Registered Users Posts: 16

    I had a session with my doctor a couple of weeks ago. I had been in hospital before Xmas for a change of meds. So far so good.

    Anyways as the session was finishing up I mentoned how, even though Xmas had gone well, I found now & again I had some negative thoughts and I couldn't get them out of my head.

    So my doc threw out some fancy term at me which I didn't understand at first (and I can't remember). Then he said I had OCD. "What?", I said. Turns out I ruminate and for me this is a form of OCD. Then my doc says because I have been struggling with Bipolar for over 20 years & because it's a very stressful illness, over such a long time I have developed additional illnesses to my Bipolar: Social Anxiety and OCD/Ruminating. He suggested CBT to help with both.

    I was just wondering if anyone else has OCD/Ruminating and how do you handle it? I am not keen on going to CBT again. I was wondering if I was more active and busier during the day would that help?

    Any thoughts? Thanks.


  • Registered Users Posts: 720 ✭✭✭Fight_Night

    Late reply but in case you're still looking for help, Stuckinadoorway is a great forum for OCD sufferers and it's pretty big so threads usually get fast responses. I have OCD and have been doing CBT for a while now, I have found it has helped me hugely, I went from not being able to leave my house to being able to do essentially anything I want. I'm far from recovered but I'm getting there. Why are you against CBT?
