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Anxiety About Travelling/Being away from home

  • 21-01-2012 8:15pm
    Registered Users Posts: 43


    In December 2008 I was diagnosed with Generalised Anxiety Disorder. My doctor prescribed me 10mg of Lexapro. Due to recurring bouts of anxiety around stressful periods the doctor increased my Lexapro dosage to 20mg and 2 capsules(150mg) of Lyrica a day. After a consultant with quite a cold clinical psychiatrist my Lyrica dosage has increased to 4 capsules (300mg) per day. In the beginning, before the anxiety, took over every area of my life, it was mostly occurred when I would have to travel somewhere foreign. In November 2008, I booked to go to Morrocco with friends but on the way to the airport I ended up getting sick and not going on the trip. The minute I didn't have to go on the trip the sickness subsided. I thought that it had happened because I was run down after being under severe pressure in work. When I booked to go to Egypt in March 09 the same thing happened. However, this time I forced myself through it. Once I got to Egypt I was fine. I wanted to get my anxiety under control so I started going to see a CBT therapist. Even though I found the therapy helped me control my anxiety in small task like travel away for the day etc it didn't seem to have any impact on my travel anxiety. In August 2009 I travelled to London with my sister for four days. I kind of did this under duress because I thought it was time for me to face my fears. All I thought I had to do was get over the travel bit and then every thing would be ok. It was the worst month of my life. Before I even travelled I spent a week in absolute terror, the only thing that calmed me were meditation cds. I forced myself to travel to the UK and I then spent four days in anxiety hell. Even when I came home I couldn't beat the feelings of constant anxiety again. It was at this time that the doctor placed me on Lyrica.

    I'm not afraid of flying, it seems to be more flying away from my comfort zone where I know I'm safe.

    Why does it keep raising it's ugly head every few months. Some times it even has me in tears.

    My problem is now that my sister has suggested a trip New York. She would be able to get a deal for a really good price. The trip would be a for a three days. Of course I didn't give comment myself to anything. My initial reaction was one of excitment. However, my second thought was an anxious one. I didn't want to be backed into a corner. I don't want to put myself through those feelings again. I couldn't face it.

    Of course anytime I back down from things I feel back because I think I am letting myself down.

    Does anybody have any advice, apart from the usual that I will just have to face it to get over it? I am sick of hearing that!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,390 ✭✭✭IM0

    anyone who suffers from this too is not the best bet to get advice from, and anyone who says anything about it, will be heard as medical advice which isnt allowed on this forum. Go to your GP and look for councilling and talking therapy. to the GP :)
