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Course Provider

  • 10-01-2012 1:33pm
    Registered Users Posts: 278 ✭✭

    Hi Guys,

    My company is looking for become a Fetac accredited course provider. I have been told that Fetac are no longer taking applications from providers until there amalgamation happens.

    Does anyone know when this will happen?



  • Registered Users Posts: 414 ✭✭Further Ed.

    There is legislation going through Dail Eireann at present (Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Bill ) and when that is enacted then the new body will have official status and it can start the process of accepting new applications but new procedures etc will have to be developed and there has been alot of retirements in the sector and no replacements so even if the legislation is enacted soon it could take some time so I won't holding my breathe.

    One thing to bear in mind is that many private providers are going out of business at the moment as well and with the amalgamation of FAS and the VECs resulting in SOLAS then it is likely that there will be less work coming from FAS for the private providers. Do remember that FETAC Quality Assurance can not be transferred across from one provider to another so the option of purchasing an existing provider is not open to you.

    Sorry not to have any better news
