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smoking and gastritis/stomach problems

  • 08-01-2012 6:02pm
    Registered Users Posts: 166 ✭✭

    I have gastritis! and ive had it since may 2011 on and off, and its driving me absolutely bonkers!!!!! its making my life a misery really to be honest... i have it under control now, but my main problem is smoking!! i LOVE having my cuppa tea and a fag!!! i love smoking after meals and i USED to love a few drinks and smoking... since i got gastritis.
    i have cut everything out that aggrevates my stomach, alcahol, spicy foods, caffine and im doing pretty well.
    But I just can't cut out the fags! and i know they are one of the worst things for my stomach... i have cut down from about 10 a day to 4 or 5, which i think is really good. i have tried herbal cigarettes but they are disgusting!!!!
    i drink decaf tea (dont drink coffee at all) and its not so bad, but its hard going out with my friends and not drinking, so recently ive just stopped going out! but has any other smokers here given up fags due to stomach problems?? or even dealt with smoking and having sstomach problems?? or had a similar experience in any way???
    Gastritis isnt a serious life threatening illness, it just makes you extremely uncomfortable all the time, and basically my main problem with it is the constant need to vomit and hot waves. now if it was a serious life threatening illness i would obviously give up the fags!

    to moderaters, i said id post here because i know that in any other health type message boards id be told "Give up those fags!!!!" but i just cant and i really dont want to ... yet!!! and smokers here will hopefully understand me!!


  • Registered Users Posts: 12,634 ✭✭✭✭OldGoat

    I have really no idea what you are looking for in this post.
    Medical advice? We don't do that.
    Quittin g advice? We don't do that either.
    Support while you continue smoking and contribute to your illness? No rule against it but I'm gonna say no anyway as it's a bit strange

    We might understand you reluctance to stoip smoking but that kinda boils down to a "yep, I like smoking too"response thread that ultimatly goes nowhere.

    I'm going to close this thread. If the OP has any objections then PM HillBilly or myself and we'll discuss re-opening or starting a new thread with a more structured queation.


    I'm older than Minecraft goats.

This discussion has been closed.