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Advice or Venting

  • 03-01-2012 7:07pm
    Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭

    Firstly Im not sure if this is in the wrong section, if it is, sorry, please move

    Ok, so about 4 weeks ago I was diagnosed with depression (after about 2 years of the missus telling me to get it sorted), we are a family of 4, about to be 5 in a few days, am over the moon but i seem to be stuck in a rut and im getting nowhere and Im no support at all to my wife. Im turning everything into an argument and what I dont turn into 1 ends up as one cause we are both so highly strung at the moment.

    Shes in hospital at the moment, only minor but still, a few days short of delivery date never makes things easy and Im at home with the vomitting bug minding the kids and I cant offer any support, I know where Im going wrong but I just cant stop it, I dont think Im a selfish person in general but im in a world of self pity at the moment.

    The last argument was over me being tired while looking after the kids (in my head right now, im trying to defend myself but I know I should be just keeping stum to make sure shes as relaxed as possible) This is the one time I really need to be there for her and Im bitching to myself that shes not here (not physically) for me.

    Thats me done for now, I really hope in the next few hours I can get my head sorted out cause its killing me that I can put her in such a bad mood.

    Oh, and when was there an elephant in winnie the pooh (I wont even go into the whole thing of christopher robin being replaced by a girl called darby), its on repeat in the house at the moment.


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