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IPhone 4 Help Needed Please

  • 03-01-2012 2:10pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 12

    hey folks

    im having a nightmare here with my iphone 4, basically i have load of music and photos and videos on my iphone 4 that i want to keep, now the computer that i had been using for my iphone is now no long mine so im using my dads laptop instead. now none of the music or photos or video that are on my iphone are on my dads laptop. My phone is running version 4.3.3 and i want to update it, i dont have itunes on my dads laptop cause i know the minute i sync it i will loose everything on my phone. so what im looking to do is to get all the music and photos and videos from my phone, onto my dads laptop, then update my phone but yet still not loose anything on my phone,

    Can anyone recommend what i need to do, what programmes can i use to do this?

    kinda need a little bit of hand doing it as im a complete noob at this stuff :P

    thanks a mill folks


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,583 ✭✭✭✭guil

    You can use sharepod to transfer the music and pics and vids can be viewed like on a normal camera. On ye laptop go to my computer and click on apple iPhone then 100dcif. Copy and paste everything there too a folder of choice and set iTunes to sync that folder

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,581 ✭✭✭Deep Thought

    As far as i know...and may be mistaken here...and If i am I will be told !!:D

    you can turn off auto sync by:

    1. Before you plug the iPhone or iPod into the computer, go to iTunes.

    2. On a Mac, go to the iTunes menu -> Preferences -> Devices.
    On a PC, go to Edit -> Settings -> Devices

    3. In the pop up window, look for the icon or tab that says Devices. Choose it.

    4. Just below the box, you’ll see a checkbox reading "Prevent iPods, iPhones, and iPads from syncing automatically."

    5. Check it and click OK at the bottom of the window.

    Auto-sync is now turned off and you’re safe to plug your iPhone into the computer.

    If you connect iPhone to your dads machine, it wont automatically sync...

    You can authorize his computer to your account, and then update the software

    I dont think you need to sync, the only way you can loose stuff is if you either sync or do a restore

    I do this in work all the time and update software ...I don't ever sync but can update

    I do however accept I could stand to be corrected :D

    The narrower a man’s mind, the broader his statements.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,223 ✭✭✭✭dodzy

    As far as i know...and may be mistaken here...and If i am I will be told !!:D

    you can turn off auto sync by:

    1. Before you plug the iPhone or iPod into the computer, go to iTunes.

    2. On a Mac, go to the iTunes menu -> Preferences -> Devices.
    On a PC, go to Edit -> Settings -> Devices

    3. In the pop up window, look for the icon or tab that says Devices. Choose it.

    4. Just below the box, you’ll see a checkbox reading "Prevent iPods, iPhones, and iPads from syncing automatically."

    5. Check it and click OK at the bottom of the window.

    Auto-sync is now turned off and you’re safe to plug your iPhone into the computer.

    If you connect iPhone to your dads machine, it wont automatically sync...

    You can authorize his computer to your account, and then update the software

    I dont think you need to sync, the only way you can loose stuff is if you either sync or do a restore

    I do this in work all the time and update software ...I don't ever sync but can update

    I do however accept I could stand to be corrected :D

    Alas, this will not backup the music to the new PC. Guil's option ( with sharepod ) is the easiest.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,581 ✭✭✭Deep Thought

    dodzy wrote: »
    Alas, this will not backup the music to the new PC. Guil's option ( with sharepod ) is the easiest.

    Agreed, but he will at least be able to update to IOS5..and maybe backup to the Cloud ?

    The narrower a man’s mind, the broader his statements.
