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Xmas Morning Treasure Hunt Help!

  • 17-12-2011 2:40pm
    Registered Users Posts: 17

    Hey all,

    Just looking for some help with an Xmas Morning Treasure Hunt I am doing for my wife...basically different clues leading to different presents and the next clue etc.

    I am sorted for poems / riddles / clues to lead to some places with the exception for = Hall Table Drawer & Underneath Stairs & Downstairs Bathroom.

    Here is what I have so far (I know these aren't the most criptic of clues but its just a bit of fun and dont need anything thats going to keep her guessing for an hour :-) )

    (P.S. Moderators - apologies if i have duplicated in other forums - but it is an XMAS question so feel free to close other ones if you need to..cheers)

    Clue 1 (Kitchen Drawers)

    Follow this clue to a place things can hide,
    Where spoons, forks and placemats reside.

    Clue 2 (Central Heating)

    Go to the place that helps keep us warm,
    Beside our eating and seating,
    This place we call our _________.

    Clue 3 (Hall Table Drawer) ???????

    Clue 4 (Hot Press)

    Follow this clue to a very dark spot
    Where bedding and linen and towels may be got
    Go to the landing, go there yourself,
    The clue will be hidden up high on a ?????

    Clue 5 (Under Stairs) ???????

    Clue 6 (Downstairs Bathroom) ???????
