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Who just moved my anPost thread?

  • 13-12-2011 12:24am
    Registered Users Posts: 397 ✭✭

    I wanted to protest by PM... but there is no way of finding out which mod moved the thread.

    So I'm occupying After Hours.

    I posted this thread a few minutes ago in After Hours:

    But it's been moved to the "courier" forum, which must get about 50 visits a year. There no chance of me getting an answer this side of Xmas.

    So mod, can you just leave my post here and once I get my answer... it will die off and slip away into a cyber grave. I bet you got really excited when I said I couldn't find an "anPost" forum... "OMG OMG I KNOW SOMETHING THATS A BIT LIKE AN ANPOST FORUM!"


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