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Tonsil Stones

  • 26-11-2011 6:40pm
    Registered Users Posts: 692 ✭✭✭


    I was coughing up these yellowy stones the last few months and i feel constantly like i have a little lump in my throat so i went and told my gp i think i have tonsil stones,he had a look in my mouth and told me i didnt have any.i told him i am sure i have some and convinced him that i wont be happy till i go to some place to have it sorted as the taste is horribe,he wrote a letter to some throat and ear doctor in jamses hospital and i got a appointment card in the post a couple weeks later,the appointment is for october 2012!!

    i rang up to see if this was a wrong date but the woman said its correct as the dr just said it was a routine check to see if i had any tonsil stones..

    since my visit to the gp the stones have gotten worse,there is more of them ive noticed,ive started to poke the tonsils with my fingers and squeeze some stones out,kinda painfull and i gag alot,not pleasant at all

    id like my tonsils taken out once and for all and be done with this messing about back there, can anyone tell me how i go about having the tonsils removed ,who can i contact to have the procedure done? is it covered by medical card,and if not what could it possibly cost please?


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