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Setting up iPhone 4s Mail for Eircom emails

  • 06-11-2011 5:55pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2

    I had a lot of trial and error before getting iPhone 4s to work with my eircom emails.

    First, disable wifi. Work on the 3G network.

    Go into Settings Icon
    Go to Mail
    Add New Account
    Scroll down and hit 'Other'
    Add Mail Account
    Name: Your Name
    Password: your regular eircom password
    Description: [doesn't matter. I used my email address]

    It will try to fetch settings from Vodafone and fail, and you will need to fill in the following:-

    POP Account information
    Name: Your Name
    Description: [as before – should appear for you]

    Incoming Mail Server
    Host Name:
    User name:
    Password: your regular eircom password

    Outgoing Mail Server SMTP
    Host Name:
    Leave the rest in that section blank as it is optional

    It then tries to set it up using SSL, say no to this and eventually you will be given the option of saving the settings. Save them and exit the settings menu. Then TURN OFF YOUR iPHONE, re-start it and then go into the mail app.

    It should now work....


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 86 ✭✭mickyoc85

    Louise2 wrote: »
    I had a lot of trial and error before getting iPhone 4s to work with my eircom emails.

    First, disable wifi. Work on the 3G network.

    Go into Settings Icon
    Go to Mail
    Add New Account
    Scroll down and hit 'Other'
    Add Mail Account
    Name: Your Name
    Password: your regular eircom password
    Description: [doesn't matter. I used my email address]

    It will try to fetch settings from Vodafone and fail, and you will need to fill in the following:-

    POP Account information
    Name: Your Name
    Description: [as before – should appear for you]

    Incoming Mail Server
    Host Name:
    User name:
    Password: your regular eircom password

    Outgoing Mail Server SMTP
    Host Name:
    Leave the rest in that section blank as it is optional

    It then tries to set it up using SSL, say no to this and eventually you will be given the option of saving the settings. Save them and exit the settings menu. Then TURN OFF YOUR iPHONE, re-start it and then go into the mail app.

    It should now work....

    I've tried the above with no success

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,181 ✭✭✭bryaner

    Just use eircom for incoming mails and g mail for outgoing

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 81,219 ✭✭✭✭biko

    mickyoc85 wrote: »
    I've tried the above with no success
    Eircom forum here if you need the latest skinny on their mail.

    From their website regarding ipad, but settings are prob the same.
