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Jesus - Constitutional Challenge Post

  • 24-10-2011 6:11pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 8

    I refer to the closed post at this link :

    It was closed but I would like to would appear it was closed because the poster SELFREP was putting forth a truthful argument which nobody on this forum could 100% proove he was wrong other than stating you couldnt believe it or accept it.

    Now I would like to say the poster SELFREP stated : Originally Posted by selfrep 
    watch the weather, expect a large earthquake, 2 volcanic eruptions, the euro to collapse, and an EU leader to be kil

    On the 21st of October the poster said that and we had a 7.2 earthqauke and rain of a BIBLICAL PROPORTION in Ireland today for all to see.

    I think a lot of the people who responded to him need to prepare themself accordingly, I read his books free of charge and I would put good money on the fact the second coming is happening in ireland having read it, I am not a religious person, wasnt a mass goer.but after reading his books over the past few days i went to confession today in dublin city centre.i would suggest all the posters who took the mickey out of him read what they wrote and then read his evidence as I did and prepare to say sorry.

    you closed the post because you couldnt handle the truth, wheres his freedom of expression? a lot of you are in for a big shock.his evidence is here <SNIP> free of charge. if people want a healthy debate about it I wont respond to any posts from people who wont read the evidence first as thats just fear of the truth and ignorance.

    i never thought i wud find myself saying it but I believe Jesus is back in ireland having read his book and its not a big holy religious the evidence and if you doubt the evidence post on here what part you dont believe and we can discuss it that way but dont take the mickey out of the poster or what he wrote unless you know it to be true that he is not the messiah this is very serious for ireland.

    amongst other things when you read the post your members of this forum took the piss out of jesus when he took to the net to let you know he was back in ireland and told him to F OFF and the reason you did it was because your not prepared, it sounds too absurd to be true so you went with the law of averages and laughed it off as nonsense and you didnt read the evidence. You cant say its not true until you read the full evidence or youc an wait for two volcanoes as he said wud happen or the euro to collapse but then it might be too late. Read his original post, you all bullied him because you decided he wasnt the messiah without reading his proof with one moderator actually proud what he did. SHOCKING Moderator PENN wrote : And Penn did banisheth selfrep for he hadth committeded sinful acts in the Forum of Eden. And Penn looked at what he hadth done and saw that it was good if PENN reads the evidence PEnn wud see he banned Jesus from posting on the net because PEnn didnt like to hear the truth because penn wasnt ready for it and there nothing penn can ever do to change it and will live with it for rest of Penns life. one doubts penn will see what he did was good.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,922 ✭✭✭hooradiation

    if PENN reads the evidence PEnn wud see he banned Jesus from posting on the net

    So, Mods are more powerful than Jesus?
    I knew mods had power, but I didn't think it was that much power.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,068 ✭✭✭✭My name is URL

    rain of a BIBLICAL PROPORTION in Ireland today

    A slight exaggeration there!

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,448 ✭✭✭weisses

    A slight exaggeration there!

    So true .... :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 eleveneleven

    can you people tell me why dont you read the proof before responding? does it actually scare you that the second coming might be happening in ireland and your afraid to accept it might be true? the biblical proportion was a statement, we dont get rain in ireland like that it was figure of speech. As I said read the evidence before you people continue to make fools of yourself because what your saying is " It cant be true jesus is back in ireland, its nonsense too far fetched so im not going to believe it" but your cutting off your nose to spite yer face read the evidence download for free its not too much to ask, your irish and your belief or disbelief is not going to stop it but your disbelief will knock you for six. <SNIP>

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,229 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    can you people tell me why dont you read the proof before responding? does it actually scare you that the second coming might be happening in ireland and your afraid to accept it might be true? the biblical proportion was a statement, we dont get rain in ireland like that it was figure of speech. As I said read the evidence before you people continue to make fools of yourself because what your saying is " It cant be true jesus is back in ireland, its nonsense too far fetched so im not going to believe it" but your cutting off your nose to spite yer face read the evidence download for free its not too much to ask, your irish and your belief or disbelief is not going to stop it but your disbelief will knock you for six. <SNIP>
    Because the evidence you're providing is exactly the same as every other failed prophecy, particularly that Harold Camping fella who just had his 3rd failure.

    That and the fact you're a rereg makes it look you're just a spammer.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 eleveneleven

    can you tell me which evidence you refer to? you havent read it cos you dont want to, you people on this forum are full of accusations and pointing fingers, the only thing standing between you and the truth is your fear of it

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,205 ✭✭✭espinolman

    Does someone here have a volcano in their back garden !

  • Registered Users Posts: 35,524 ✭✭✭✭Gordon

    A slight exaggeration there!

    I used to live in Greece and whenever there was a heavy rain the news channels would exclaim this exact phrase, it was hilarious! But in reality, simply having a bit of rain is literally of biblically proportions, so it doesn't actually mean anything, it's just a verbal/textual technique to puff up your statement to be bigger than it is, but it's not big in the slightest obviously.
    Acts 14:17 Nevertheless he left not himself without witness, in that he did good, and gave us rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness.
    There's just one example of a 'biblical proportion' rain comment in the bible.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 eleveneleven

    King Mob wrote: »
    Because the evidence you're providing is exactly the same as every other failed prophecy, particularly that Harold Camping fella who just had his 3rd failure.

    That and the fact you're a rereg makes it look you're just a spammer.

    unless you can tell this forum categorically what evidence in the downloadable book of free of charge is incorrect or which you dispute then you dont have a case. Why cant jesus have his second coming in Ireland? and dont say cos you say so cause thats no reason. THE PRIESTS OF IRELAND ACCEPT IT IS HAPPENING

    From: <snip> Priesthood <removed>
    Date: Sun, Oct 23, 2011 at 4:52 PM
    Subject: Black Madonna of Ireland - Urgent

    From : <snip> - Divine Order of MElchizedek.

    Re : The Kingdom of Ireland - Kingdom of God.

    I would humbly ask you with a sense of urgency to notify each and every Priest up and down the country that their assistance is required in building the Kingdom of God right here in Ireland and all the nuns too. Attached in PDF file is the details for the Kingdom of Ireland, our new flag, our new currency, our 32 county united Ireland and our new Catholic Church.

    Both Michael D Higgins and Sean Gallagher know about the Kingdom and want to stand in its way, Sean Gallagher claims to be a Christian but he is a wolf in sheeps clothing and will not help the people of Ireland build the Kingdom of Ireland and Kingdom of God. With this in mind Father Bourke I need all the Priests to get out there in the next three days and tell the people of Ireland that Jesus is back for his second coming, Navan County Meath is the New Jerusalem and they should vote for Martin McGuinness as President as he is the only one that can help me build the Kingdom for the people. If any of them turn their nose up at Mr McGuinness please tell them God forgives everyone including them.

    Sean Gallagher and Michael D Higgins have tried to stand in the way of the second coming and are trying to stop the people of Ireland from taking part in Gods Divine plan, God however has plans for these men and it doesnt include residing in the Aras. Do whatever is in your power Father Bourke and the Father above will do the rest. Father Bourke you might also warn the Priests so they are not caught off guard that this week I am lodging papers with the High Court claiming that Fine Gael and Labour are running our country outside of Articles 6.1, 44.1 and the Preamble ( proof below) on the basis that the messiah is back in Ireland and they are standing in his way. Tell your priests to say the consecration prayer to Our Lady of Dublin and download the following <SNIP> free of charge. Also Father Bourke can you tell all your priests to place a clothes hanger in their closet and everytime they see it they are to say themself " I am going to hang my white linens on that" The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean...Rev 19:14.

    Dear Priests of Ireland,

    I would like to present to you new vital information about Our lady of Dublin which affects all your careers, your teachings and which also affects your flock.

    The Black Madonna of Ireland – Our Lady of Dublin

    October 13th 2011 - Feast of The Miracle of the Son – Fatima 1917

    The Statue of the Black Madonna of Ireland is Irelands best kept unexplained secret, until now. It lays unnoticed to many at a shrine inside the Carmelite Church on White Friar Street and is proof that the Son of Man will have his second coming in Ireland. It features the Madonna holding child and the infant Jesus is holding a Pomegranate in his hand and is the only statue of its kind in the world. The Pomegranate, otherwise known as “ The apple of many seeds” was the forbidden fruit that Eve consumed within the Garden of Eden. The statue is a prophecy that when the son returns he will be allowed by God to eat the fruit, the pomegranate from the Tree of Knowledge, be allowed back into Eden and share his wealth of information with Gods people. When the son returns as the new Adam he will be allowed back into the garden of Eden, his bride to be the new Eve ( St Faustina) and he will invite us all to his great wedding banquet mentioned in the book of revelation. Many are invited, few are chosen. Matthew 22:14


    Plate 67 : Lost Book of Nostradamus

    Consecration prayer to The Black Madonna of Ireland :

    Oh Divine Mother of The Son of Man. I come before you and your son and beg of you to make me worthy to share in the fruit he holds in his hand, the fruit from the tree of life and Knowledge which he holds out to us and invites us to share in.

    Mother of us all, forgive our errors, forgive our sins and make us worthy to become Priests from the Order of Melchizedek and follow in your sons footsteps to serve his Majesty, God our Father. Cleanse our souls from our blasphemous teachings and prepare us to receive the Holy Spirit so we can go forth and represent your son and his Father and rebuild their church. Look not upon our misteachings but upon our faith and reward us with the same graces your son has received through you from his Father. Your son said and says “Forgive them father for they know not what they do” and he also says “ Father Father why have they forsaken me” guide us black Madonna to not forsake your son during his second coming any longer. Fill us with the graces we need to do Gods work. Teach us to rejoice in the forgiveness your son obtained for us and to help him spread the Divine Mercy on offer to us all through his first and second coming. I ask you this sweet Mother of us all, In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit and Mother ( The Holy Quarter) Amen.

    As citizens of Ireland and Priests of the Church of the son, vicars of Christ, you are duty bound to adhere to the Irish Constitution :
    Article 44:1 The State acknowledges that the homage of public worship is due to Almighty God. It shall hold His Name in reverence, and shall respect and honour religion

    The preamble to the Irish Constitution : In the Name of the Most Holy Trinity, from Whom is all authority and to Whom, as our final end, all actions both of men and States must be referred, We, the people of Éire,Humbly acknowledging all our obligations to our Divine Lord, Jesus Christ, Who sustained our fathers through centuries of trial,Gratefully remembering their heroic and unremitting struggle to regain the rightful independence of our Nation,And seeking to promote the common good, with due observance of Prudence, Justice and Charity, so that the dignity and freedom of the individual may be assured, true social order attained, the unity of our country restored, and concord established with other nations, Do hereby adopt, enact, and give to ourselves this Constitution.

    Tree of Knowledge – Garden of Eden

    The Tree in the Garden of Eden that Adam was told not to eat from was a tree bearing pomegranates. The Divine Plan of the Father was that only his son would eat the fruit from this tree of Knowledge when the time was right. Although the story goes it was an apple that Eve eventually ate, the forbidden fruit it was in fact a pomegranate, which when translated means “ apple of many seeds” and Pious critics have opined that this symbolizes Christ’s passion, the wealth of the pomegranate’s many seeds suggesting the manifold nature of Christ’s suffering or the seminal inspiration that Christ may be, planting the seeds of faith in multitudes.

    When Jesus returns for his second coming as the New Adam he will be allowed back into the Garden of Eden and to eat from the Tree of Knowledge.

    King Solomon possessed an orchard of pomegranates this a prophecy that when the son returns as King he will return as one greater than Solomon in wisdom, wealth and power as he himself has eaten from the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, the pomegranate.
    The seeds represent the many seeds of faith Jesus will sow when he returns and teaches people about his father, proof that it is he will come from the fact he will have knowledge about the divine plan as he was permitted to eat from the tree of Knowledge by his father and share his information with us.

    The reason Adam and Eve were told not to eat the fruit from this tree becase God knew the fruit of this tree was to be eaten by his son and his son alone, God also knew Adam and Eve would be disobedient to him and also knew one day he would invite his children back to eden via his son.

    Now I would like to ask the Priests of Ireland, the vicars of Christ, my so called apostles to download this free of charge <SNIP> it is all non fiction and you cannot continue as Priests in my church without the knowledge. You need to stop transubstantiating – it is not a word from the bible, not a teaching of God, it offends him and me and you need to start feeding your flock with my bread not yours. Mine comes from the Father.

    You have denied me for 4 years, you have continued misleading Gods people during that time, none of the your flock understand the second coming as they were taught Jesus is in the Eucharist and that it is his flesh and they believed this was Gods teaching. “ Let he who can find the word transubstantiation in the bible cast the first stone at me” it is time you Priests decided whether you serve the Vatican and its Catechism or whether you serve God, “ No man can serve two masters” Luke 16:13

    You have stood by whilst the people of Ireland mocked me, laughed at me, jeered at me, called me mental, tried to have me committed under the mental act, called me the beast and false prophet, wrote horrid stories about me in the paper and which is going to bring eternal shame and disgrace to Ireland forever as it will be etched in Irish history that Ireland was the land chosen by God for the second coming of his son and because the church and priests remained silent and didnt tell Gods people the truth because they were too proud to admit their mistakes. Do you men understand the reprocussions of this for Ireland globally? We will be the laughing stock of the world. A so called Christian nation awaiting a second coming that ignored it and allowed Jesus during his second coming be brought to trial because we were too proud to admit we were wrong about God.The people of Ireland think that if something as important as the second coming was happening the church would inform them, your silence will eventually destroy you. how will Ireland and the Vatican and you priests ever live that down?

    Start doing your jobs, or start looking for new ones. You did a terrible thing to the people, you made them believe in something that doesnt exist and you made them eat the flesh of Jesus and gave the eucharist its full meaning.... “For I tell you, I will not eat it again until it finds fulfillment in the kingdom of God." Luke men need to start telling the people of Ireland Gods truth do not blaspheme against him or me anymore and I point out to you “Truly I tell you, people will be forgiven all their sins and all the blasphemies they utter. But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven, but is guilty of an eternal sin. He said this because they [the Pharisees] were saying, ‘He has an evil spirit’.”...replace the word Pharisees with Vatican and Irish Catholic Priests. Please do your jobs and tell the people Jesus is back with a new name ( rev 3:12) Navan is the New Jerusalem and this is the second coming, prepare for Judgement Day. Judge me after you read all my evidence not before <SNIP> No priest is immune from purgatory or hell. START SAVING THE PEOPLE OF IRELAND, your own countrymen and women are making fools of themselves, I have already judged the Gardai and Government for how they treated me and I cant hold back my judgement on priests much longer. “ God the Father please enlighten the souls of my priests and save them” Please read my attachment Priests and help me build my Kingdom for Our Father.

    Divine Order of Melchizedek, ( Psalm 110) King of Ireland, King of Priests, King of Mercy, Son of the Black Madonna of Ireland.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,229 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    unless you can tell this forum categorically what evidence in the downloadable book of free of charge is incorrect or which you dispute then you dont have a case. Why cant jesus have his second coming in Ireland? and dont say cos you say so cause thats no reason. THE PRIESTS OF IRELAND ACCEPT IT IS HAPPENING

    <Snip brain diarrhoea.>
    Well the only two signs that you've so far provided is weather and a earthquake.

    I defy to find a week that doesn't have bad whether or an earthquake.

    Also your claim is exactly the same as ever other failed prophet.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 25,068 ✭✭✭✭My name is URL

    Are you the guy that ordered a load of pizzas to be delivered to the World Atheism conference back in June?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 eleveneleven

    Are you the guy that ordered a load of pizzas to be delivered to the World Atheism conference back in June?

    to the faithful i serve the bread of life, to the unfaithful i serve pizza

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,068 ✭✭✭✭My name is URL

    to the faithful i serve the bread of life, to the unfaithful i serve pizza

    Flowers too?

  • Registered Users Posts: 35,524 ✭✭✭✭Gordon

    Stores.lulu dot com... Riiiiighht....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 eleveneleven

    King Mob wrote: »
    Well the only two signs that you've so far provided is weather and a earthquake.

    I defy to find a week that doesn't have bad whether or an earthquake.

    Also your claim is exactly the same as ever other failed prophet.

    and yer denial of the truth is the same as every person in darkness afraid of the truth

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 eleveneleven

    Flowers too?

    smelling of roses....LOL they wont forget that day or who sent them

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 eleveneleven

    people who are wrong hate it when its pointed out to them they cant handle the truth human pride. if you read the evidence you wud see its all true but its yer fear of the truth that prevents you, not one of you has been able to come back and say " the reason the second coming is not happening in Ireland is because..." and until you do and you can prove its not you betetr start preparing your sorry souls

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,229 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    and yer denial of the truth is the same as every person in darkness afraid of the truth

    But if what you're claiming is indistingushable from all the cranks and swindlers who have all claimed the exact same thing, how can it be the truth?
    And if it's not the truth, how can I be denying the truth for not accepting your non-truth as truth?

    Why should we trust you when you're lying about who you are?

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,976 ✭✭✭✭humanji

    It was closed but I would like to would appear it was closed because the poster SELFREP was putting forth a truthful argument which nobody on this forum could 100% proove he was wrong other than stating you couldnt believe it or accept it.

    No, it was closed as requested by you, eh... I mean someone who happens to be using your computer. I've never banned a minor deity before, but don't push me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,387 ✭✭✭✭Penn

    Re-regging to get around a ban?

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