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dvd to media player

  • 23-10-2011 12:22pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 34

    hi folks.i have just bought a muilti media player and wanted to put my dvds that i have lying around onto it but i dont know how.i have a laptop and have an idea that the dvds need to be transfered to a different format but would greatly appreciate any information on software or anthing needed.thank you.


  • Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 11,017 Mod ✭✭✭✭yoyo

    edger wrote: »
    hi folks.i have just bought a muilti media player and wanted to put my dvds that i have lying around onto it but i dont know how.i have a laptop and have an idea that the dvds need to be transfered to a different format but would greatly appreciate any information on software or anthing needed.thank you.

    These threads come up quite regularly. The easiest way would be to get DVDFab Decrypter which is free, and rip the DVD onto your hard drive, then use Handbrake to encode the video into Xvid


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 34 edger

    thanks nick.i made a stab at this but i am hope less when it comes to this type of stuff.if any one has any more advice i would be greatfull.:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,706 ✭✭✭Voodu Child

    edger wrote: »
    thanks nick.i made a stab at this but i am hope less when it comes to this type of stuff.if any one has any more advice i would be greatfull.:)

    First rip it to your computer using the 'DVDCopy' function in DVDFab HD Decrypter. Select the Main Movie option rather than Full Disc. You can deselect any audio tracks you don't want - normally you've got the main audio track in AC-3/5.1 and then a few extra tracks for commentaries etc.

    Set your target folder (where you want to save it), make sure quality is set to DVD9/100%. Then start ripping.

    Come back when you've got that figured out.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,078 ✭✭✭Hal Emmerich

    STEP 1.3: Ripping the DVD with DVDFab Decrypter

    Now insert the original DVD (PIRATES OF CARIBBEAN 2: Dead Man's Chest) or any DVD you want to rip into the drive.


    Once DVDFab Decrypter launched, it should do a quick scanning.



    "Source" is where the original DVD is located. "Target" is the Folder that DVDFab is going to rip the DVD into.


    NOTE: this is if you're using/ripping "Main Movie" mode only.


    Take out all other unwanted "Languages & Subpicture" to gain more quality.


    When your ready, click START and DVDFab will start to rip the DVD.


    Relax and sit tight, DVDFab is ripping the DVD/movie now.


    Again, just relax. DVDFab should be done shortly.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 893 ✭✭✭manna452121

    I have used DVD43, with Handbrake, and had no problems.

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