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Can u ever trust a gambler again?

  • 13-10-2011 11:15pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 3

    I was with my boyfriend for just over 5 years. Life couldn't be better. Everyone said were a perfect match. He treated me like a princess and was my rock through all my family issues over last couple of years. We talked about wanting a baby soon and getting married. He lost his job last September, got another job few weeks later and that folded too. He had some odd jobs which he is lucky enough to be able to work at home. I trusted him with everything. We booked to go travelling together and started saving. I lost my laser card and 6 weeks later I logged online to our joint account and found 15k has been gambled in the last 2 months. I'm sick to my stomach. My heart is just frozen and I'm double thinking everything. All the lies and slyness. I have left him and he's started going to GA meetings 3weeks now. But I don't know if I can ever trust him or believe him etc... He only lied about money. Behind all that he genuinely is the best boyfriend. Head is totally wrecked. Could our relationship ever work again?


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