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Help With Files

  • 12-10-2011 1:19pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 52 ✭✭

    Hi Guys, Newbie here needs help.

    Hope i am in the right place.
    Here goes. I would like to know if it's possible to rename files in sub folders the same name without doing them 1 at a time. My setup is
    File 1
    ---- 2012 Folder 1
    ---- 2012 avi file
    ---- Pic jpeg file
    ---- 300 Folder 2
    ---- 300 avi file
    ---- Pic jpeg file
    ---- Iron Man Folder 3
    ----Iron Man avi file
    ----Pic jpeg file
    I want to be able to change the File name from Pic To Info. Is it possible
    Many Thanks


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,407 ✭✭✭danjo-xx

    rename files in sub folders the same name


    every file or folder has to have a unique name!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,426 ✭✭✭ressem

    The trivial way is to:
    1. open up explorer, highlight the top level folder that you want to search.
    2. Do a search for pic.jpeg
    3. this should find and list all the occurrences of pic.jpg.
    4. select all of them
    5. hit F2 to rename all at the same time
    limitation is that it always adds in a (1) into the name.

    A better way is to start a command window (Start \ Type "cmd" into search or run)
    cd "c:\mydirectory"
    forfiles /s /m pic.jpg /C "cmd /c ren @path info.jpg"

    translates as:
    [forfiles = for the files I find in this directory] [/s = and subdirectories ] [/m pic.jpg = matching the name pic.jpg] [/C = run the command] [cmd /c= using the command console and then exit] [ren = rename] [@path = the full path+name of the file it found on this turn] [info.jpg = the new name]

    forfiles /?
    into a command window for other examples.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 52 ✭✭kingtorres9

    Thanks Ressem
    You saved me a couple of hours work. Went the trivial way and everything now sorted.
