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Diptych & Triptych in Photoshop?

  • 29-09-2011 3:19pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,155 ✭✭✭

    Hi All,

    Is there a quick way of dropping 2/3 photos into photoshop cs5 to form a Diptych/Triptych? Failing that, anyone got any actions or short cuts to doing it?



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,140 ✭✭✭Gregor Samsa

    You want two/three photos (of the same size) in the one image side by side in Photoshop?

    Open your first photo. In the Layers palette, double click on the Layer (Layer0) so that it's not a background layer any more. This will allow you to move it later without a background on the non-image parts.

    Go to Image Menu -> Canvas Size and set the Width to 200% (diptych) or 300% (diptych) (choose Percent from the drop-down). Leave the height and other settings alone.

    Open your other (two) image(s), and drag them into your first image. Then reposition the two/three layers as desired.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 993 ✭✭✭ditpaintball

    If you have Indesign, you can set up something fairly handy. But in photoshop, I created the image below:

    Rachel Wallace Diptych 1 by Richie Buttle, on Flickr

    1. Resize both photos to 1000 x 1500 @ 240dp
    2. Ctrl + N to create a new document with, 240dpi 2200 x 1600 roughly
    3. This creates a white blank document with roughly twice the width and the same height as the orginals, with extra space for the boarders
    4. Use the move tool, click and drag the two images onto the new document
    5. Drag the left image up to the top left corner and it snaps there
    6. I then use the arrow keys to move the image an even amout down and right. Depending on how far you are zoomed it, it could take 5 clicks or 10.... keep going until you get the boarder size you want
    7. Grap the other image and snap its top left corner with the top right corner of the left image.... the top lines are not align
    8. You just need to move the right image over the same amount to the right as the left images.
    9. You may have extra space on the right side and the bottom images, so just use marquee tool and draw a box around them that is roughly the same thickness and crop.

    Sounds long winded, but it takes about 20 seconds. I am sure there are quicker ways to do it with smart objects etc, but I don't know about those.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,155 ✭✭✭PopeBuckfastXVI

    Thanks guys will give it a go! Really appreciate the step by step instructions :D
