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  • 27-09-2011 9:11pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 1

    I have just had a great idea about how we could help the world very easily in a big way.
    It would be creating a new operating system complete with every program you could want for free.
    I know many people are already trying to do this but I mean something different than that altogether.
    A voluntary group of the top IT specialists and thinkers would form a group and announce their attention to the world.
    Every programmer in every country could take part and send their code on to the top group.
    Every person wanting something in a computer would give their ideas.
    They would be analysed and the best ideas and coders would be used to create the ultimate.
    The Computer:
    Would start immediately to where you last turned it off.
    Would be in full 3D - The potential for a 3D computer goes without saying, 3d TV 3d games, 3d workspaces and virtual reality will all be things that will become part of everyday reality.
    A golden hub would be called up if you put the pointer in the top left hand corner. Any direction off that would lead to an option -> TV, Internet, Create, Comp, on a radial arm of the hub.
    More and more options would come up but it would be kept as simple as possible as that would be the basic rule to the computer.
    Thought control would be a good afterthought now I think of it as well.
    It would be 100% reliable and never make an error ever.
    It would have to be 100% future proof, ready to give everyone the full effects of 3d worlds and immersion.
    It would be free.
    The good this would do students, the poor (of the world) and ultimately us.
    With one unified platform owned by us we could do anything, build anything and ultimately help create a new world.
    I think it should be called Tao, a concept of making something as simple as possible but as useful as possible as beneficial as possible to all.
    I welcome your comments, Sean Collard,
