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Help with Aggressive Pet Pig

  • 11-09-2011 9:28pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 3

    We have had a male (now large and with tusks) black vietnamese pot bellied pig for 2.5 years since he was 9 months old. That was probably the error in fact as he will never be fully tame as we didn't have him as a baby. He has his own area in the garden and comes out into the rest of the garden too each day. I stroked him everyday and we have chickens, cats and children that visit him, or we are altogether in the garden. Perhaps he would have been happy with another pig but then its hard to introduce one to a terroritorial animal that has never lived with a pig before...Anyway despite some concerns he had been a good pet - rolling over for us to brush him, coming up alongside me for semi-cuddles, we would hang out. He is fed good food, has a comfortable house and large space and opportunity to root.
    A tree did fall over his house once in a storm so whether that was a factor in his changing behaviour or just becoming a grown hormonal male I don't know. I know they are intelligent and sensitive animals.
    Over time he started to become aggressive to some men visitors. Just recently he has become aggressive towards me (I'm a smallish woman). He's fine with my husband, but originally it was me that he was really close to. Now I am wary of him. It's hard not to be when he's running at me and it could be to greet me or go for me. I can shout 'no' and that probably would stop him - but he knows he is 'top pig' now. How can I change that when I'm actually a bit scared of him? Its a trap. He hasn't done anything to the children, has scraped me with his tusk once drawing blood, but regularly runs at or 'growls' at men that we know and has gone to nip them. I just can't trust him.
    Any suggestions what to do? I'm at the point of thinking we are going to have to try and find an alternative home for him - but I feel sad about it and feel like I have failed him. Also who wants to take on an aggressive pig?? Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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