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lines to polylines

  • 09-09-2011 4:26pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,264 ✭✭✭

    mind has gone blank here, i know there is a way to do this. how do you convert a huge bunch of connected line segments into one polyline without having to select every individual line segment?
    its driving me insane and il be 2 years otherwise


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 597 ✭✭✭Supertech

    Go to 'Modify' in the drop down menu.
    Select 'edit polyline' and then right click and select multiple.
    Select all the lines you want to join together
    You'll get a prompt asking if you want to convert lines and arcs to polylines. Click Yes or type Y.
    ON the command line then you're polyline edit options appear.
    Right click and select 'Join' or type J.
    At command line prompt enter 0 for fuzz distance.
    Right click again to get Jointype (Add / Extend / Both)
    Click 'Both'
    Click 'Enter' and 'Enter' again .....

    and Bob's your mother's sisters husband !

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,264 ✭✭✭overshoot

    Supertech wrote: »
    Select all the lines you want to join together
    this is the bit i was trying to avoid, i was hoping there is a command that automatically picks up commecting segments as there could be a hundred or so over the length of the line with other similarly segmented lines in close proximity.
    although if you just do a broad select will it disregard unconnected lines? in the end i was running rhino at the same time and selected the lot and hit join so got the job done. thanks for the advice though

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 597 ✭✭✭Supertech

    Just drag a box around them that will select them all. If you pick some you don't need just go back and de-select them.
