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Connecting iPod to iTunes on new laptop

  • 02-09-2011 9:06pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 99 ✭✭

    Hi folks,

    My laptop recently died on me & I've had to buy a new one, but when I downloaded iTunes & tried to sync my iPod Touch with the iTunes on my new laptop its telling me that any content on my iPod will be overwritten by content from iTiunes (which is nothing!!).

    How do I get my tunes/pics/videoes etc frommy iPod to the iTunes on my new laptop?

    I'm a bit of an Apple spaz so apologies if this is a stupid question!!


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,974 ✭✭✭long_b

    Hi folks,

    My laptop recently died on me & I've had to buy a new one, but when I downloaded iTunes & tried to sync my iPod Touch with the iTunes on my new laptop its telling me that any content on my iPod will be overwritten by content from iTiunes (which is nothing!!).

    How do I get my tunes/pics/videoes etc frommy iPod to the iTunes on my new laptop?

    I'm a bit of an Apple spaz so apologies if this is a stupid question!!
    I've just done that myself for the first time.
    Here's what I did
    Install iTunes
    Authorise computer in iTunes
    Sign in to your account
    Connect iPod/iPhone
    Right mouse on the device in LHS of iTunes and select "backup" - can't be too careful
    Next Right mouse again and choose "Transfer purchases" - this should copy yer stuff off the device and onto your computer.

    Open to correction but that's what I did FWIW

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,583 ✭✭✭✭guil

    afaik that will only work for apps and any purchases you've made in itunes

    OP download sharepod and use it to copy everything off the ipod to the new laptop and import it all to itunes, then do as advised above and right click the ipod and click transfer purchases
