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  • 13-08-2011 11:30pm
    Registered Users Posts: 454 ✭✭

    After finishing up painting the interior of a church a painter was packing up and was getting ready to leave, when the Bishop came out and asked him to also paint the exterior of the church.
    The painter agreed to do so, but in the process of painting he realized that he did not have enough paint to finish the whole job. But he also realized that if he thinned out the rest of the paint he would have enough to finish the job. Doing so, he was able to complete the painting of the exterior of the church.
    Then all of the sudden a rain storm came out of the middle of what was a clear sky. The rain fell only on the church, washing away all the still wet paint. Then a booming voice came out of the sky directed at the painter....

    "Re-paint you thinner!"
