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We Go Go FREE EP download



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11 We Go Go

    Feedback anyone?

  • Site Banned Posts: 4,415 ✭✭✭MilanPan!c

    We Go Go wrote: »
    Feedback anyone?

    Trying to be helpful, but I have high standards... hope you don't take this as sniping... it's not.

    Track by track:

    Track one is ok, kinda foo fighter-y - the timing is pretty loose, which is either a good or bad thng, depending on taste... not for me, and the recording is only ok, but DEF not bad.

    Track two is kinda like an American Manic Street Preachers or something... a better track and maybe a better track one... depends on who you're aiming at selling this band to I guess... the vocal melody and take and recording are only... ok... but that's a lot better than most! The little bridge-y thing is kinda cool... the strings sound very fake...

    Track three... couldn't really get with this... esp the vocals which sound very cheesy to my ears... and some of the auto-tuning is pretty obvious... which is.. maybe just a taste thing...

    Track four... my fave of the bunch, cause at least it's dynamic... that being said, it's prolly 45 secs too long IMO. both verses are pretty similar and one could be shorter... I did like the "other" voice dong bvox... should be more of that... keep it as interesting as possible...


    Overall a 2.5/5 - Shows some promise, but the vocals need to have more personality and their needs to be a bit more drama, overall... def worth checking out and a lot of people would like it, but for me, it's only ok, but on the promising side of ok.

    The best part is you're trying to make commercial music. Ireland needs more commercial pop. So... good job!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11 We Go Go

    Thanks for the feedback man. Music is a pretty subjective thing! I will defend the strings however as we wanted to do something a little different but unfortunately session musicians were well outside of our budget. We've recently added an excellent violin player to our line-up so it'll be real strings from now on.



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11 We Go Go

    C'mon guys, anyone else???
