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  • 27-07-2011 10:22am
    Registered Users Posts: 34

    Interested in getting some free promotion

    Interested in getting your act filmed

    Interested in having a high quality music video, mixed and recorded.

    Then check out

    Leading acts- Pete Courtney, Rachel Austin, Coffee, and many others have availed of this facility.

    Bluesmoke Unplugged is a Monthly Live Music Session taking place on a Saturday afternoon in The Harbour Bar Bray.

    It features some on the best Up and Coming live acts playing acoustic unplugged sets.

    All we ask is your time, talent and bring a few fans, if the day is good we can plug you in outside and play to all the regulars of this fine establishment (Weather Permitting)

    If you are interested check out or

    To get a slot send a Email to, please send a contact number and act info.

    We understand all bands play covers. This is not an issue. it’s just we don't particularly want "tribute" bands. The odd cover is fine and the only copyright issue will be if YouTube receive complaints and request we remove the video.

    While the video is hosted online – we can provide a copy (high res quality/HD) of the recordings to all the acts regardless of the set you play.

