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Free zines in Dublin

  • 26-07-2011 11:39am
    Registered Users Posts: 883 ✭✭✭

    Hi everyone. I've been skulking around this board for a while but I've never plunged in and posted. So here I am.

    Some friends and I have produced the first issue of a zine called ESC and it's free in various places in Dublin for people to pick up, if you're interested. Also I think (but my friend the art editor might not agree with me...) that we'll be opening for submissions soon.

    Anyway sure the website is here if you want to check it out (it's a bit plain at the moment...long story) and it'll have the places on it where you can get a copy as well.

    I was wondering if anyone else out there makes zines? Or if you've read them on occasion, what do you like or dislike? Is there anything you think would be better to be done a different way? I suppose that the best people to ask would be yourselves, as readers, and any thoughts would be greatly appreciated :)
