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Credit Union to Credit Union

  • 19-07-2011 3:07pm
    Registered Users Posts: 4,185 ✭✭✭

    I have a credit union account but its miles away from where i live. Am i right in thinking that you cant open another credit union account near me, and transfer the money.
    Would i have to close one account and just open up a new one?



  • Registered Users Posts: 45

    Hi Snoopy.
    You are right and wrong in your assertions. Yes you can go to a credit union closer to where you live and open an long as you live or work in their common bond. Just in case you are not aware a common bond is a term used to describe what ties all the members of a credit union together. for example living in the same town or surrounding area. Each credit union is a separate legal entity so if you were to join the credit union close to you, you would not be able to withdraw the money from the old credit union in the new credit union (ie its not a like going into a different branch of your bank and withdrawing money). You can withdraw your savings from one credit union and bring it to the new credit union if you wish. However there is nothing precluding you from being a member in more than one Credit Union as long as you fulfill the membership requirements of both Credit Unions. I hope this helps. Let me know if you need anymore info

  • Registered Users Posts: 517 ✭✭✭Wowbagger

    Hi Snoopy

    You can join the second Credit Union, inform them that you are a member of the first Credit Union and they can request a transfer of your details and savings from the first Credit Union.

