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Creating a blank starter Joomla! site

  • 11-07-2011 11:29am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,502 ✭✭✭


    I've installed Joomla! on my laptop, but when installing i also installed the sample data. How do i go about creating a blank Joomla! site - no articles or information, just the default banner and the very basics? I can't seem to find any documentation on it.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 59 ✭✭Left

    You go through the install process without adding the sample data. You then create the banner module using the module manager.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,502 ✭✭✭gnolan

    Left wrote: »
    You go through the install process without adding the sample data. You then create the banner module using the module manager.

    Cheers. So for each new Joomla! site i create i have to reinstall from the original download file?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,213 ✭✭✭was.deevey

    Nope... if you want your own "blank" generic install (I use my own custom one alot).

    1. Install Joomla without Sample Data.
    2. Install whatever Plugins + modules + templates (Analytics/SEO plugins.. whatever).
    3. Install Akeeba Backup Component (free)
    4. Create Backup file and use "zip" as the compression format

    Now you have your own "Custom" Joomla installer as a Zip File which you extract to anywhere you like and can run the installer from and will include any of the modules or plugs you want to be installed by default on sites you create.

    Dead handy if most of the sites you are creating are going to be based on the same features. I'm doing a backlink program for a client at the moment that requires 100 cloned Joomla installs minus the content which would be a pain in the arse to do any other way.

    Oh and worthwhile looking at some "Skeleton" templates as well for the default install along with removing the Generator meta tag by default.

    Remove the line

    "$mainframe->addMetaTag( 'Generator', $_VERSION->PRODUCT . " - " . $_VERSION->COPYRIGHT);"

    from frontend.php :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 68 ✭✭Gman_Ireland

    gnolan wrote: »

    I've installed Joomla! on my laptop, but when installing i also installed the sample data. How do i go about creating a blank Joomla! site - no articles or information, just the default banner and the very basics? I can't seem to find any documentation on it.

    Hi gnolan

    Here's the tutorial for deleting the contents :
    1. Login to your Joomla administrator panel.
    2. Delete all the articles
    Select the "Content" Menu => "Article Manager".
    On the left hand,there are check boxes for each of the articles.Either select each article, or select the check box at the top that will select all of them.
    Once you select all articles,click the "Trash" icon on the top of the right hand side.
    Use filter drop-down "Select State" = "Trashed".Select all the articles and click "Empty Trash" icon.
    3. Delete content in Media Manager
    Select the "Content" Menu => "Media Manager".
    Delete the "Sample Data" folder and it's subfolders.
    4. Delete all Contacts
    Select the "Component" Menu => "Contacts" => "Contacts"
    Select all contacts and click the "trash" icon on the top of the right hand side.
    Use filter drop-down "Select State" = "Trashed".Select all the contacts and click "Empty Trash" icon.
    Select the "Component" Menu => "Contacts" => "Categories".
    Select all categories and click the "trash" icon on the top of the right hand side.
    Use filter drop-down "Select State" = "Trashed".Select all the categories and click "Empty Trash" icon.
    5. Delete Newsfeeds
    Select the "Component" Menu => "Newsfeeds" => "Feeds"
    Select all feeds and click the "trash" icon on the top of the right hand side.
    Use filter drop-down "Select State" = "Trashed".Select all the feeds and click "Empty Trash" icon.
    Select the "Component" Menu => "Newsfeeds" => "Categories"
    Select all categories and click the "trash" icon on the top of the right hand side.
    Use filter drop-down "Select State" = "Trashed".Select all the categories and click "Empty Trash" icon.
    6. Delete all Weblinks
    Select the "Component" Menu => "Weblinks" => "Weblinks"
    Select all Weblinks and click the "trash" icon on the top of the right hand side.
    Use filter drop-down "Select State" = "Trashed".Select all the Weblinks and click "Empty Trash" icon.
    Select the "Component" Menu => "Weblinks" => "Categories"
    Select all categories and click the "trash" icon on the top of the right hand side.
    Use filter drop-down "Select State" = "Trashed".Select all the categories and click "Empty Trash" icon.
    7. Delete all Menus
    Select the "Menus" Menu and select all the menus except main menu and user menu.
    Click the "Delete" icon on the top of the right hand side.
    8. Delete all Banners
    Select the "Component" Menu => "Banners" => "Banners".
    Select all Banners and click the "trash" icon on the top of the right hand side.
    Use filter drop-down "Select State" = "Trashed".Select all the Banners and click "Empty Trash" icon.
    Select the "Component" Menu => "Banners" => "Categories"
    Select all categories and click the "trash" icon on the top of the right hand side.
    Use filter drop-down "Select State" = "Trashed".Select all the categories and click "Empty Trash" icon.
    Select the "Component" Menu => "Banners" => "Clients"
    Select all Clients and click the "trash" icon on the top of the right hand side.
    Use filter drop-down "Select State" = "Trashed".Select all the Clients and click "Empty Trash" icon
    Select the "Component" Menu => "Banners" => "Tracks"
    Select all Tracks and click the "trash" icon on the top of the right hand side.
    Use filter drop-down "Select State" = "Trashed".Select all the Tracks and click "Empty Trash" icon
    After deleting all the sample data ,refresh the site and start to add your contents.

    Hope this helps

