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ATH Knockout SF2: Mitchkoobski vs Waltersobchek

  • 04-07-2011 6:48pm
    Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,685 Mod ✭✭✭✭

    I know you only just qualified for this match Walt but can you doit again or will Mitch move on to the final.
    Simplified version of the rules:

    I will post a topic and you have to post your response including why you made that choice within a given time limit (before the next match is scheduled to begin), take care while making your responses however as the other contestant can counter your arguement i.e pointing out possible flaws in what youve said.

    *you can only counter an arguement two times so make sure your point is worth making. If someone's defense of their arguement isnt good it will count against them.

    *You can use the same answer as your opponent if you wish i.e you agree with their choice however its hard to win a debate when your making the same points someone has already made

    see the OP of the main thread for further details, the 1st match's thread or if any are needed or check out last years competition.

    The questions have been very WWE centric so far so with that in mind here is a question from's "Mr. TNA of the Pro Wrestling Forum" Machismo Fan...

    Q. How would you handle the Bound For Glory Series, who would win it and how would you handle their main event World title match at Bound For Glory?

    good luck!

    who should progress to the final? 4 votes

    Lord TSCMitchKoobskiDiabhal BeagLiam O 4 votes


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,083 ✭✭✭waltersobchak

    Wow this is an extremely hard question especially for someone who isnt a TNA aficionado..

    And as someone who honestly doesnt follow TNA, or has basically no idea on who's injured, fueding or not even being pushed on television... I will have to answer this question from a pure "Fantasy Booking" standpoint, and in choosing the 12 wrestlers from the TNA roster who in my opinion are the strongest from a Talent, Popularity and Wrestling standpoint to smarks and casual fans alike.. And in choosing the 12 Wrestlers i want to give the impression that at the beginning, anyone of them could win competition, and the TNA World title too. But ultimately one man can only win.. And as i see it its a great chance for TNA to create some new Main Eventer(s)

    Paul Heyman, recently did an interview where he said how he would book, Bryan Danielson in TNA, and tbh i would book the Bound for Glory series with a similar idea.. Involving these two men..

    Kurt Angle..


    Kurt Angle would be an obvious choice considering the sheer amount of Classic Matches he has had over the last few months.. Angle is motivated by the chance to compete, and winning the Bound for Glory Series become's his obsession. In doing so Angle beats everyone he faces and is the only undefeated man in the competition except for this man...

    Matt Morgan...


    Mogan see's Angles obsession, and uses it as his motivation, to beat the living crap out of everyone he faces.. Morgan see's Angle as the manifestation of everything thats held him back in TNA, and is now an unstoppable force in TNA..

    The other 2 men in the final would be former TNA World Champion's Rob Van Dam, and AJ Styles.. Basically two guys who are in the match but wont look bad by losing..

    At "No Surrender" I would then have the 4 man Main Event be an elimination match and then have both Angle and Morgan eliminate Van Dam and Styles..

    Leaving the now "Irresistible force meeting an Immovable object" And with both men now built up to similar levels,(By both being undefeated) the fans can both get behind who they want, and think will win.. And after various near falls, and finishes, Morgan beats Angle.. And moves on to the Main Event of Bound For Glory..

    In the time between No Surrender and BFG i would have Morgan continue his rampage whilst playing mind games with Anderson, leaving the World Champion legitimately fearful that he will lose his title.. And at Bound for Glory, I would then have Morgan decisively beat Mr Anderson and win the TNA title..

    I feel Matt Morgan winning will be both benefical, to TNA and obviously Morgan too, as Morgan is a guy who's always seems to me, to be underutilized by whomever makes the decisions in TNA, He has the size to be a monster heel, and a guy who could legimately be feared, but yet also has the charisma to cut a great promo too.. So by giving him this push it could have a similar effect to MITB winners have in WWE. And this now gives TNA a new legimate big time heel, and Angle, Sting, Anderson, whomever will be gunning to beat him..

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,101 ✭✭✭MitchKoobski

    It's with a heavy keyboard and a disdain for TNA that I'm gonna have to drop out of this question and award victory to Waltersobchek.

    I've been racking my brain for two days trying to understand how this Bound for Glory series works and read up on the wrestlers but I just can't get my head around. I'm not a fan of TNA, and I have pretty much no knowledge.

    Well done on forming an answer given our lack of knowledge!

    P.S. I would have kicked your ass on a WWE question! :pac:

    I'd also like to take this time to announce that I will be entering myself in the next Royal Rumble King of the Ring AHT Knockout Tournament!

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,685 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    take 2

    from JP Liz

    Q. If you could create a new stable in WWE or TNA, who would choose and why and how would you book them?

    from me: This is now a pitch to Vince/TNA management round, they will only pick one of your ideas even if you choose differing promotions

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,083 ✭✭✭waltersobchak

    Stables have always been an important part of Pro Wrestling, from the Horsemen, to the Hart Foundation, to the NWO to DX, Stable's have been a great way to have a group of Wrestlers with a sense of unity to run rampage on a Promotion.. WWE have in the last few years tried to continue that tradition, with groups like the SES, Nexus and the Corre, so Vince McMahon would hopefully be open to the idea of my stable..

    So Mr McMahon one name immediately jumps to my mind, one man who needs the stability of leading a stable... A man who in his first year with WWE, achieved more success than anyone could ever have imagined..

    That man is the Celtic Warrior.. That man is Sheamus..


    Why would Sheamus benefit from being part of a stable? Well Sheamus has been in somewhat of a state of limbo since winning the 2010 King of the Ring, his credibility took a serious knocking with the ridiculous King Sheamus gimmick. And to be honest he still hasnt quite recovered from it, hopefully this new stable will go someway to replacing Sheamus's credibility and also make the WWE Universe once again see the Celtic Warrior as a man to be feared..

    The next man i would have in my stable is another wrestler who has been underused by WWE since having an impactful debut and few months...


    Drew McIntyre..

    McIntyre was a man who seemed destined for big things in WWE, but somewhere along the way, he seemed to get lost in the shufffle, perhaps because of his lack of charisma, or perhaps the blessing of being Vince McMahon's "Chosen One" hampered the young Scot from ascending the WWE ladder.. Now with the opportunity to be in a stable with Wrestlers of a similar disposition, could be what McIntyre needs to finally fufill the prophecy of being The Chosen one...

    The next 2 men i've chosen are important, because every great stable has a tag team, Evolution, the Four Horsemen, the Dangerous Alliance and The New Hart Foundation all had great Tag Teams at the core of the group, and although these 2 havent Tagged together, i think they could be a great team...

    Wade Barrett and Mason Ryan...


    Wade Barrett seemed like a superstar destined for big things last year, he seemed destined to beat John Cena and win the WWE Title, but somehow like Sheamus and McIntyre, Barrett has slipped down the WWE Ladder and is now stuck in the midcard, after being the focal point of the Nexus, and Corre groups, and Mason, a relative new comer to WWE has the size that Vince McMahon loves... And can be a definite Monster heel, if pushed.

    With these two superstars i think I've given you guys the idea of where my stable is going, and thats the British/Irish nationalities of the Superstars, whilst also having the similar backgrounds, and having had a certain amount of success in WWE, but then seemed to have slipped down the card and into Mid Card mediocrity..

    My final Roster member is an important one.. This superstar will be the mouthpiece of the group, whilst also being a mentor, and legitimate tough bastard..


    William Regal.

    Regal, for me has been criminally under used by WWE for years.. He's still a great old hand in the ring, and can still cut great, great promo's. So for me pairing him with young Superstars from similar backgrounds, could only mean great things for all involved..


    Britian is definitely an important Market for WWE, especially when you consider the amount of times a year Raw and Smackdown is recorded in the UK.. WWE also seem's to be having a larger Global expansion, with the US and Canada no longer the WWE's core talent pool.. So with that i would have the group rip through Smackdown, and once the group has found it's feet, have them run riot through Raw, with the unpredictibilty of superstars like Sheamus, Barrett and Regal, i feel the stable can be a legitimate threat to anyone, and perhaps WWE might give John Cena his own stable to battle this group..

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,101 ✭✭✭MitchKoobski

    Vince, Vinny, Vinny-K, V-Mac, Boss, Mistah McMahon (I'll get fired for that one), Vinman! Got an idea for ya but bear with me on this one, I've goin all out. Gotta redeem myself...


    I didn't want to be going along the same lines as my opponent, but of the three stables I thought of this ended up being the strongest. We all want to see the Regal stable, we've been saying it for ages that he should manage someone once he's finished in-ring. The best stable for this is a proper British stable of tough wrestlers trained by the educated brawler William Regal. Drew McIntyre also needs to be saved from the levels of the lower-card before he gets future endeavoured or put into a comedy skit with Santino. Wade Barrett needs to slow down and stop making himself as the leader of some group because he's currently 0-2 on that part. Mason Ryan needs to be promoted in a stable properly instead of hanging around as a bodyguard once Punk leaves. For the stable to work, each members needs to have a specific role, and for the booking to make sense. Let me explain....

    Drew McIntyre
    It begins with Drew. Following the Money in the Bank PPV Drew goes around backstage at RAW complaining about not being in the match (and rightly so). Vince is backstage following the outcome of the Cena/Punk match. Drew asks "Why was I now in the match? Why am I just hanging around here without any matches!? I'm the Chosen One!" Vince responds: " WERE the Chosen One. THEN YOU GOT WEAK! You want a match? YOU GOT ONE!" Drew heads out to the ring and has to face Big Show. During the match Regal walks out to observe from ringside. Show calls for the chokeslam after a chest slap and just when it looks like Drew is about to lose again, Regal distracts shows and hits him with the brass knuckles when the referee is checking on Drew. Drew hits the Futureshock DDT on a stunned Show and wins the match. Regal leaves and Drew catches up to him backstage to ask what the hell that was about. Regal: "Forget being the Chosen One, you need to earn titles like that! If you want to get back to the top and be a real contender, stick with me and pay attention."

    Mason Ryan
    Same night on RAW, CM Punk has left WWE leaving Mason Ryan without a leader. Mason has a squash match against someone (we'll say its someone who was laughing or talking about CM Punk leaving). Mason continues to destroy him after the match only for Regal to come out and stop him. Regal gets in his face and shouts at him. Mason shoves him away but Regal gets right back in there and slaps him to get him in line. We can't hear exactly what Regal is saying. Hear the words " power....together" as he's shouting at him. Mason stops, smiles and follows Regal out of the ring.

    Wade Barrett
    For this I suggest Wade wins MITB by a fluke. We'll say Sheamus was about to grab the briefcase while fending off Barrett and was knocked off by a falling ladder. Barrett wins but didn't deserve to. He walks around bragging at Smackdown, only to be put in a handicap match against Ezekiel Jackson and Daniel Bryan because he won't shut up. He gets himself counted out in protest only to be dragged back in for a face finisher bit. Right as Daniel Bryan is lining him up for the LeBell lock Drew McIntyre runs down and pulls him out of the ring. Zeke turns around confused, only to be bulldozed into the corner by Mason Ryan. They both help Wade up as Regal walks down to the ring applauding. He gets in and puts his hand out to Wade, and Wade shakes his hand and smiles....

    William Regal
    Regal comes out next week (either show) with the stable in tow. He wears a suit. Mason is in a t-shirt and jeans, looks like a big heavy bruiser. Wade wears the same jacket he had when he debuted on NXT, Drew wears the ring jacket he had for about a year. All of them are black with their respective flags on the front-right top of the outfits. Regal explains the wrestlers of today are too soft, too concerned with looking pretty and entertaining the fans. Gone are the tough, hard as nails wrestlers he used to know. The Arn Anderson's of this world are gone, and he doesn't like it one bit. It's time to bring back toughness...some real british tough men. The Pride of Scotland, Drew McIntyre. The Welsh beast Mason Ryan, and one of the toughest brits in this business today, Wade Barrett. This team plans to dominate by brawling through matches and taking out the competition for good.

    Why these? And why no Sheamus?
    Sheamus is Irish, Sheamus is already in the main event scene. Sheamus does not fit into a stable at all. Sheamus takes orders/advice from no one.
    Regal is the mouth, and the manager. He tells them what to do, and is training them into the tough wrestlers like he used to know when he was starting out. Drew is the sneaky heel. He's got great athletic ability, but will still cheat when he has to. Drew is the clever one who always has a plans and helps conspire with Regal. Wade is the tough english guy who is better than everyone else, the brawler, the main attraction in the stable. Mason is the monster heel, the powerhouse and the bodyguard. While Wade has the MITB they don't need to have a title to garner interest.
    Down the line I would have Drew/Mason with the tag titles. This would enable them to be on Smackdown with Wade fulltime. Start them off on something small like Daniel Bryan, Kane and Sin Cara being pissed off that Wade fluked his way into winning the MITB. From there head towards Barrett wanting to challenge Orton for the title with Regal in his corner coaching him. The stable can be split between both brands if needed, but I would hold off on moving them to Raw given the comedic and tv nature of the brand.


    As for my opponent's choices.... It seems he wants to shove these 5 wrestlers into a stable because they all come from around the same region and need a bit of a push because they're stuck lying around atm. There needs to be more to it than that. You can't push for the sake of pushing.
    While we would all love to see Sheamus get a great push and lead a stable, I can't see it happening. He WAS in a state of limbo, but he's currently getting involved in the Orton/Christian, which is a main event feud atm, and I don't think Sheamus will ever be a superstar that fits into a stable. A manager doesn't suit him because he can talk for himself. While I agree on your choice for him to to be the leader out of your picks, can you honestly picture Sheamus hyping up the rest of the stable? I can't. I can only ever picture him putting them down and bragging about why he's the leader and they will never be as good as him. Also, can you imagine Sheamus cutting a promo compared to Regal cutting one? Two different worlds. It's like The Snapper compared to The King's Speech. The stable just reads like The Celtic Warrior and friends now feat. Billy Regal.
    Drew McIntyre
    He does needs this, but Drew is a man that likes to talk. He'd end up taking last place in this whole thing. Putting him in the stable is simply giving him something to do. He wouldn't have anywhere to go after it. Stables like this nearly always lead to someone turning face and kicking the leaders ass. Drew would end up being the X-Pac of the stable, and nobody wants that. From the way you're booking it, it seems to me like he'll just fall to the side. I agree with Drew being in a stable to get him back to to the upper-mid-card, but not the way you have it booked here.
    Wade Barrett and Mason Ryan
    Choosing Ryan means you now have two huge heels in the stable with Mason and Sheamus. And eventually Mason would be the one to turn face. Barrett has already been a main feature of two stables, having only disbanded the Corre recently. Shoving him into a stable where he is simply a tag partner to a monster heel does nothing for him. He needs to be either first or second place in the stable.
    William Regal
    Regal, for me has been criminally under used by WWE for years.. He's still a great old hand in the ring, and can still cut great, great promo's. So for me pairing him with young Superstars from similar backgrounds, could only mean great things for all involved..
    Agreed in part. We've all been saying it, we want more Regal. There's no way you'd be able to have a stable where Regal is the mouth, and Sheamus and co just stand there and wait. Wade and Drew will accept mutual mic time, Sheamus just doesn't seem to fit.
    Britian is definitely an important Market for WWE, especially when you consider the amount of times a year Raw and Smackdown is recorded in the UK.. WWE also seem's to be having a larger Global expansion, with the US and Canada no longer the WWE's core talent pool.. So with that i would have the group rip through Smackdown, and once the group has found it's feet, have them run riot through Raw, with the unpredictibilty of superstars like Sheamus, Barrett and Regal, i feel the stable can be a legitimate threat to anyone, and perhaps WWE might give John Cena his own stable to battle this group..
    Rip through smackdown and defeat who? You can't just a destroy an entire roster to give them an excuse to go to Raw. John Cena vs Sheamus again? vs Barrett's stable again? Now with different stables? Meh. Britain is indeed an important market, but when you have an entire stable of british heels you still want them to be booed. The stable will be cheered by the british fans around the world instead of booed. Fans in the UK and Ireland don't need a superstar to cheer for unlike Mexico and India, so you shouldn't be making a stable like this with further promotion in mind. It's already done.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,083 ✭✭✭waltersobchak

    I actually think the fact that you've picked basically an indentical stable to mine, and have countered my stable is laughable...

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,101 ✭✭✭MitchKoobski

    I actually think the fact that you've picked basically an indentical stable to mine, and have countered my stable is laughable...

    Laughable? You just wasted one response. What's laughable is how you've formed your stable and booked it. I've booked it better, and given valid reason why I chose them and booked the forming and the beginning. Your basic reasons are just "because x is stuck in mid-card" or "because he's been in a slump due to x". I'm countering your awful reasoning behind your choices and your pitch. I'll agree on the stable members, I would have picked and did pick the same, bar the big fella. Unless I'm not allowed because my pitch was better?

    Note: Identical means the same in case you didn't know. There something huge and ginger in yours that isn't in mine. That's the big problem I have with your choices. You only picked Sheamus because you think he'd be good in a stable and you want to give him something to do.

    You think Wade and Ryan will be a good team, but didn't say why at all.
    You say hopefully a stable would restore Sheamus' credibility. How exactly? Give him some nice friends? Because he's great at playing nice with people.
    You didn't give any reason for Drew other than "He's a bit lost in the shuffle and could use a stable".

    All your reasons are just 'put him in the stable and it should help him'.

    I choose Drew because he can continue his current persona of being cocky and arrogant while working with Regal on his persona. Regal will help develop his talent, character and mic skills. This stable would elevate him back to the upper mid-card where he was a year ago.
    I choose Barrett because he needs (in my opinion) to go back to his arrogant and brutish ways he had when he debuted. He's gone from having a character to just being 'Wade Barrett'. Being in a stable with Regal will help him develop the brawler moves and actions. The stable will
    Ryan is simple. He's just not ready for singles competition on his own. He needs more time being mentored and more practice before he can be set loose on his own. The stable will give him this, and then he can head off on his own.
    For Regal this can be his swansong. He's already said he's going to retire soon, and spending his last days as a NXT commentator is no way to go. This stable should be a great way to go out.

    I'm going to assume by your first response that you have no problems at all with my answer and can't see anything wrong with it. TBH I don't blame you. Similar ideas are pitched all the time, its just mine is better. Had I pitched it before you, would it be laughable? Didn't think so. Last response for you now, make it worth it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,083 ✭✭✭waltersobchak

    Vince, Vinny, Vinny-K, V-Mac, Boss, Mistah McMahon (I'll get fired for that one), Vinman! Got an idea for ya but bear with me on this one, I've goin all out. Gotta redeem myself...

    Maybe you should change that to.. Vince.. I have the same idea as my competitor because i have zero creativity or originality
    I didn't want to be going along the same lines as my opponent,

    But you did, just like you did

    in the last round of the competition, where followed Diabhal's lead and also choose HHH, because clearly you dont the Wrestling knowledge to properly debate, an original idea of your own..
    but of the three stables I thought of this ended up being the strongest.

    Something we can agree on, although my stable is stronger.. Plus one of my reasonings for choosing "My" stable was the past relationships between Sheamus O'Shaunessy, "Thee" Drew Galloway, and Stu Sanders in IWW.. And i thought the following of those relationships years later in WWE was an interesting a fun concept, but then again since(as you said) your wrestling knowledge only extends to WWE i doubt you would've known about those wrestling past's..
    We all want to see the Regal stable, we've been saying it for ages that he should manage someone once he's finished in-ring.

    Whats all this talk of "We" and "We've" not all online wrestling fans are marks for Regal, he's a great wrestler, and im a fan but thats just generalising big time.. Basically your trying to pander to the internet..
    The best stable for this is a proper British stable of tough wrestlers trained by the educated brawler William Regal.
    Neither Barrett, Mason or McIntyre where trained by Regal... Maybe your getting them mixed up with Bryan Danielson... Maybe i should have picked a stable with both of them in it, so you could have gotten this point correct..
    Drew McIntyre also needs to be saved from the levels of the lower-card before he gets future endeavoured or put into a comedy skit with Santino.

    He does.. And being in my stable would be a great way for him to move up for the mediocre postion he currently finds himself in..
    Wade Barrett needs to slow down and stop making himself as the leader of some group because he's currently 0-2 on that part.

    Absolutely.. And him being a part of a group where he is no longer the focal point could be the best thing for Barrett, and in my group with a former World Champion such as Sheamus as the leader, the ultimate fallout from when the group dissolves could help Barrett get back to where he was at the end of 2010, and thats in the upper end of the card..
    Mason Ryan needs to be promoted in a stable properly instead of hanging around as a bodyguard once Punk leaves. For the stable to work, each members needs to have a specific role, and for the booking to make sense.

    I think you'll find most stables have the big Bodyguard role for someone, Arn Anderson, Batista, Kevin Nash, Chyna... All legimate roles.. And makes perfect booking sense.. Which with Mason Ryan in my Stable he would be the perfect choice for that bodyguard role..
    Drew McIntyre
    It begins with Drew. Following the Money in the Bank PPV Drew goes around backstage at RAW complaining about not being in the match (and rightly so). Vince is backstage following the outcome of the Cena/Punk match. Drew asks "Why was I now in the match? Why am I just hanging around here without any matches!? I'm the Chosen One!" Vince responds: " WERE the Chosen One. THEN YOU GOT WEAK! You want a match? YOU GOT ONE!" Drew heads out to the ring and has to face Big Show. During the match Regal walks out to observe from ringside. Show calls for the chokeslam after a chest slap and just when it looks like Drew is about to lose again, Regal distracts shows and hits him with the brass knuckles when the referee is checking on Drew. Drew hits the Futureshock DDT on a stunned Show and wins the match. Regal leaves and Drew catches up to him backstage to ask what the hell that was about. Regal: "Forget being the Chosen One, you need to earn titles like that! If you want to get back to the top and be a real contender, stick with me and pay attention."
    Drew MacIntyre?? Going Over the BIG SHOW???? Yeah Right.. That wont be happening ANYTIME soon.. The Big Show is one of the most protected Superstars in the WWE, who never jobs.. Especially to someone like McIntyre, who by your booking, hasnt even been built up... Just beats Show for the hell of it..
    Mason Ryan
    Same night on RAW, CM Punk has left WWE leaving Mason Ryan without a leader. Mason has a squash match against someone (we'll say its someone who was laughing or talking about CM Punk leaving). Mason continues to destroy him after the match only for Regal to come out and stop him. Regal gets in his face and shouts at him. Mason shoves him away but Regal gets right back in there and slaps him to get him in line. We can't hear exactly what Regal is saying. Hear the words " power....together" as he's shouting at him. Mason stops, smiles and follows Regal out of the ring.

    Regal is a commentator on NXT.. Why in gods name would he be given such a prominent role on WWE's Flagship show?? And twice in the same night no less.. WWE is going through (somewhat) of a youth movement, and if Finlay was too old for WWE, then guess what.. William Regal is too.
    Wade Barrett
    For this I suggest Wade wins MITB by a fluke. We'll say Sheamus was about to grab the briefcase while fending off Barrett and was knocked off by a falling ladder. Barrett wins but didn't deserve to. He walks around bragging at Smackdown, only to be put in a handicap match against Ezekiel Jackson and Daniel Bryan because he won't shut up. He gets himself counted out in protest only to be dragged back in for a face finisher bit. Right as Daniel Bryan is lining him up for the LeBell lock Drew McIntyre runs down and pulls him out of the ring. Zeke turns around confused, only to be bulldozed into the corner by Mason Ryan. They both help Wade up as Regal walks down to the ring applauding. He gets in and puts his hand out to Wade, and Wade shakes his hand and smiles....
    Yeah that could possibly happen.. But it wont..
    William Regal
    Regal comes out next week (either show) with the stable in tow. He wears a suit. Mason is in a t-shirt and jeans, looks like a big heavy bruiser. Wade wears the same jacket he had when he debuted on NXT, Drew wears the ring jacket he had for about a year. All of them are black with their respective flags on the front-right top of the outfits. Regal explains the wrestlers of today are too soft, too concerned with looking pretty and entertaining the fans. Gone are the tough, hard as nails wrestlers he used to know. The Arn Anderson's of this world are gone, and he doesn't like it one bit. It's time to bring back toughness...some real british tough men. The Pride of Scotland, Drew McIntyre. The Welsh beast Mason Ryan, and one of the toughest brits in this business today, Wade Barrett. This team plans to dominate by brawling through matches and taking out the competition for good.

    Being Welsh, Scottish, English means jacks*it to Americans... They're all British, infact i can bet you the average American would even have heard of Wales, let alone seen their flag.. so whats the point?????
    Why these? And why no Sheamus?
    Sheamus is Irish, Sheamus is already in the main event scene. Sheamus does not fit into a stable at all.

    Again to Americans, Irish, English, Scottish, and Welsh might aswell be the same place.. So yeah Sheamus fits very very well into my stable, plus as i already stated he has past relationships with McIntyre and Barrett..
    Sheamus takes orders/advice from no one.

    Sheamus would be the leader of my stable.. So yeah, he'd be taking no orders..
    As for my opponent's choices.... It seems he wants to shove these 5 wrestlers into a stable because they all come from around the same region

    Again as i already said.. Americans are pretty ignorant to geography.. So the simplistic idea of a stable based on a theme, of Anglo-Celtic relations wouldnt work so wonderfully with yanks in my opinion.. Because they hardly know the difference. But the fact that there all "Non American" is a good starting point
    and need a bit of a push because they're stuck lying around atm. There needs to be more to it than that. You can't push for the sake of pushing.

    No they'd be getting pushed as group instead of individually, meaning the likelyhood of success by association, for guys like Mason, when they're in a group with someone like Sheamus if he was to be World Champion again...
    While we would all love to see Sheamus get a great push and lead a stable, I can't see it happening. He WAS in a state of limbo, but he's currently getting involved in the Orton/Christian, which is a main event feud atm

    Sheamus id still in limbo.. And the chance to do something new could be exactly what is needed to give his push a jumpstart.. And no Sheamus is nothing but a third wheel in whats very much a Christian vs Orton fued..
    and I don't think Sheamus will ever be a superstar that fits into a stable. A manager doesn't suit him because he can talk for himself. While I agree on your choice for him to to be the leader out of your picks, can you honestly picture Sheamus hyping up the rest of the stable? I can't. I can only ever picture him putting them down and bragging about why he's the leader and they will never be as good as him. Also, can you imagine Sheamus cutting a promo compared to Regal cutting one? Two different worlds. It's like The Snapper compared to The King's Speech. The stable just reads like The Celtic Warrior and friends now feat. Billy Regal.

    Whats the differance between our stable's for fu*ks sake?? Sheamus?? So whats your stable then?? The 3 Brits and the Decrepid Commentator?
    Choosing Ryan means you now have two huge heels in the stable with Mason and Sheamus. And eventually Mason would be the one to turn face. Barrett has already been a main feature of two stables, having only disbanded the Corre recently. Shoving him into a stable where he is simply a tag partner to a monster heel does nothing for him. He needs to be either first or second place in the stable.

    Sheamus, Barrett, McInyre, and Mason, are all heels.. I chse Mason because himself and Barrett could legimately be a MONSTER tag team, and in a day and age when we have no Tag Teams, i think WWE can throw some sh*t at the wall, and see what sticks, as far as Tag Teams are concerned..

    Rip through smackdown and defeat who? You can't just a destroy an entire roster to give them an excuse to go to Raw. John Cena vs Sheamus again? vs Barrett's stable again? Now with different stables? Meh. Britain is indeed an important market, but when you have an entire stable of british heels you still want them to be booed. The stable will be cheered by the british fans around the world instead of booed. Fans in the UK and Ireland don't need a superstar to cheer for unlike Mexico and India, so you shouldn't be making a stable like this with further promotion in mind. It's already done.

    So whats your reasoning for the group, why did you pick practically the same exact stable as me? With guys like Cena, Orton, Christian, Hell even Miz at your desposal????

    I know why you did, because you could think of anything better than i did... Just like you couldnt think of anything in the last question..
    Laughable? You just wasted one response.

    I find your lack of creativity and lack of wrestling knowledge indeed laughable, you couldnt even muster an answer in the TNA related question, this is also the second question where you've used the same answer as your competetor.. Clearly you havent the knowlegde to be at this stage of the competition especially, as there was far more worthy and knowledgeable competitors elimated earlier in the competition....
    What's laughable is how you've formed your stable and booked it. I've booked it better

    Your booking was boring, uninspired and frankly would have caused fans to instantly change the channel.. Congrats though, you have all the characteristics to get a job writing for TNA..

    and given valid reason why I chose them and booked the forming and the beginning. Your basic reasons are just "because x is stuck in mid-card" or "because he's been in a slump due to x".

    My reasoning had logic, They all are stuck in the Mid Card after ALL having quite metoric rises in WWE originally, and ALL being seen by casual fans, and smarks alike as the future of the WWE.. But no ALL of them are in stuck in Lower/Mid Card mediocrity. You cant deny that.. And Regal is criminally underused, being used as a mentor/manager is a way for him to at least have some exposure befor he hangs up his boots..
    I'm countering your awful reasoning behind your choices and your pitch.

    Thats your opinion, but my awful reasoning is nowhere near as bad as your AWFUL booking..

    I'll agree on the stable members

    Obviously.. Because arguing against my picks would just be ridiculous... Right?

    I would have picked and did pick the same, bar the big fella. Unless I'm not allowed because my pitch was better?

    Of course your allowed to pick an identical stable to mine.. Infact i actually take it as quite the compliment that you couldnt improve on my roster choices.. And felt you couldnt beat me by choosing differant Wrestlers..

    Note: Identical means the same in case you didn't know. There something huge and ginger in yours that isn't in mine. That's the big problem I have with your choices. You only picked Sheamus because you think he'd be good in a stable and you want to give him something to do.

    Note: Unfortuantely you couldnt come up with a better idea than mine..

    You think Wade and Ryan will be a good team,but didn't say why at all.

    Yes, quite honestly i do.. They have the size and strength to be a monster tag team.. I was planning on devulging more deeply in my second answer what exactly i was planning for my Stable, but tbh i was quite shocked by your lack of creativity.. So my plans went out the window..
    You say hopefully a stable would restore Sheamus' credibility. How exactly? Give him some nice friends? Because he's great at playing nice with people.
    You didn't give any reason for Drew other than "He's a bit lost in the shuffle and could use a stable".

    Again i had planned on giving a more indept analysis of my stable, but alas i didnt, BUT Sheamus has lost his Credibity, he has lost his edge and is just another guy on the WWE roster a year after facing HHH at Wrestlemania isnt even on the following years card, Wrestling and Wrestlers are all about evolution, and if their characters dont evolve and move on, they get boring, stagnate, die, and eventually get future endevoured.. Sheamus's character is Stagnant, he's been a one dimensional heel since day one. Now, and this stable would be an opportunuty for Sheamus to add some colour to the grey shades of his character, by finally have him say more than "FELLA"

    As for Mcintyre, the exposure of anything other than being on Superstars is good for him..
    All your reasons are just 'put him in the stable and it should help him'.

    What exactly where your reason's for putting them together? Other than because i did?
    I choose Drew because he can continue his current persona of being cocky and arrogant while working with Regal on his persona. Regal will help develop his talent, character and mic skills. This stable would elevate him back to the upper mid-card where he was a year ago.

    He would be elevated by the stable? How exactly?
    I choose Barrett because he needs (in my opinion) to go back to his arrogant and brutish ways he had when he debuted. He's gone from having a character to just being 'Wade Barrett'.

    Hmmm im pretty sure "Just being Wade Barrett" is his character.. What else would he be?? The Rock? Doink?
    Being in a stable with Regal will help him develop the brawler moves and actions. The stable will

    All this talk of Regal, will do this, Regal will do that, is (to quote Fred Durst) He says she says Bullsh*t, and all a lot of what ifs?
    Ryan is simple. He's just not ready for singles competition on his own. He needs more time being mentored and more practice before he can be set loose on his own. The stable will give him this, and then he can head off on his own.

    Like being in a TAG TEAM PERHAPS????
    For Regal this can be his swansong. He's already said he's going to retire soon, and spending his last days as a NXT commentator is no way to go. This stable should be a great way to go out.

    This is something i agree with you on..
    I'm going to assume by your first response that you have no problems at all with my answer and can't see anything wrong with it.

    I have no problem with your response, what i do have a problem with is the fact that you didnt have the balls to come up with a differant answer to mine, and the subtle differance of not having Sheamus hardly changes that much to be honest..
    TBH I don't blame you. Similar ideas are pitched all the time, its just mine is better.

    We'll have to wait and see who the readers think is better, personally i believe my answer was more logical and far less up in the air, and not depending on numerous unrealistic factors, like yours..
    Had I pitched it before you, would it be laughable?

    Nope because i wouldnt have then created another stable, and wouldnt have limited myself to one answer..
    Didn't think so. Last response for you now, make it worth it.

    Well i've said all i needed to say, im actually a little dissapointed after giving you a second chance in ATH, you didn't have the ability to give me a decent debate, when infact i basically then had to bash my own stable all because you didnt have an better answer of your own. Especially when there is plenty of underutilised talent currently in WWE..

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,101 ✭✭✭MitchKoobski

    Maybe you should change that to.. Vince.. I have the same idea as my competitor because i have zero creativity or originality
    in the last round of the competition, where followed Diabhal's lead and also choose HHH, because clearly you dont the Wrestling knowledge to properly debate, an original idea of your own..

    More like "Vince, sorry you had to listen to that trollop from Walt, HERE'S what you need to do with these superstars."

    You really are pissed off that I came up with a better idea for it aren't you? You'll notice I won that previous debate too, with better booking and ideas. But what happened in previous debates is irrelevant to the current debate, so there's no point in you clutching at straws trying to find a defense. There is no problem with nearly the same people, as I have clearly given better booking and reasoning than you for why I chose them.

    Just because someone picks it before me, does not mean I will change my decision for something lesser. "Zero creativitiy or originality?" Get over it. My pitch was better and you're annoyed.

    Something we can agree on, although my stable is stronger.. Plus one of my reasonings for choosing "My" stable was the past relationships between Sheamus O'Shaunessy, "Thee" Drew Galloway, and Stu Sanders in IWW.. And i thought the following of those relationships years later in WWE was an interesting a fun concept, but then again since(as you said) your wrestling knowledge only extends to WWE i doubt you would've known about those wrestling past's..
    No, I just have little knowledge of TNA. Fella and Drew had a great feud in the irish promotions, but the only people who would care about it are some internet fans and Ireland and UK fans. Vince wants the pitch to make money, and for that you need to focus on the American market first.
    Whats all this talk of "We" and "We've" not all online wrestling fans are marks for Regal, he's a great wrestler, and im a fan but thats just generalising big time.. Basically your trying to pander to the internet..
    I'm not pitching to the internet, I'm pitching to Vince. It's okay though, not being able to read the question, I won't hold it against you. You say "I" to Vince and he'll shoot you down, you say "We" and he'll assume you have backing and increases the chances of your pitch being accepted.

    Neither Barrett, Mason or McIntyre where trained by Regal... Maybe your getting them mixed up with Bryan Danielson... Maybe i should have picked a stable with both of them in it, so you could have gotten this point correct..
    Yeah read it again. I never said they were trained by Regal. The idea of having them in stable is so they CAN be trained by Regal into real tough wrestlers in the eyes of the current fans.

    He does.. And being in my stable would be a great way for him to move up for the mediocre postion he currently finds himself in..
    Once again you say "stick him in the stable and he'll be grand."

    Absolutely.. And him being a part of a group where he is no longer the focal point could be the best thing for Barrett, and in my group with a former World Champion such as Sheamus as the leader, the ultimate fallout from when the group dissolves could help Barrett get back to where he was at the end of 2010, and thats in the upper end of the card..
    Barrett will not take orders from Sheamus, and Sheamus will not lead a stable because his character is one where he doesn't want or need help. Why send Barrett back to where he was at the end of 2010? I want to send him that step more.

    I think you'll find most stables have the big Bodyguard role for someone, Arn Anderson, Batista, Kevin Nash, Chyna... All legimate roles.. And makes perfect booking sense.. Which with Mason Ryan in my Stable he would be the perfect choice for that bodyguard role..
    But thats the problem. All you've said is "bodyguard role" and left him there.
    Drew MacIntyre?? Going Over the BIG SHOW???? Yeah Right.. That wont be happening ANYTIME soon.. The Big Show is one of the most protected Superstars in the WWE, who never jobs.. Especially to someone like McIntyre, who by your booking, hasnt even been built up... Just beats Show for the hell of it..
    ONCE AGAIN, you didn't read my answer properly. You really are just blindly throwing stuff out now aren't you? Drew goes over when Regal intervenes and uses the brass knucks. Hell you could even make Big Show the first opponent for the stable. I give a way for Drew to be elevated and you shoot it down because you think Show is protected. Pfft.

    Regal is a commentator on NXT.. Why in gods name would he be given such a prominent role on WWE's Flagship show?? And twice in the same night no less.. WWE is going through (somewhat) of a youth movement, and if Finlay was too old for WWE, then guess what.. William Regal is too.
    So you just want him to show up as the mic for the group then? With no reason at all?
    One of the perfect reasons why people should vote for me. You want Regal as the mic without any explanation as to why he is there, and then when I pitch a great idea as to how he would be in that position, you want to shoot it down in favour of the "youth movement".
    Being Welsh, Scottish, English means jacks*it to Americans... They're all British, infact i can bet you the average American would even have heard of Wales, let alone seen their flag.. so whats the point?????
    Again to Americans, Irish, English, Scottish, and Welsh might aswell be the same place.. So yeah Sheamus fits very very well into my stable, plus as i already stated he has past relationships with McIntyre and Barrett..
    So announcing them as hailing for Scotland, England and Wales means nothing then? May as well pack in the ring announcer then because according to you its pointless and fans dont listen.
    You really can't be serious here. According to you, the standard american fans are too stupid to know what Scotland/England/Wales are, but smart enough to know the Sheamus and Drew and Barrett worked together years before coming to the WWE and two of em had a great feud? MAKE UP YOUR MIND!
    Sheamus would be the leader of my stable.. So yeah, he'd be taking no orders..
    So you expect me to believe Regal, Drew AND Mason are all gonna do what Sheamus says? Don't make em laugh.
    Again as i already said.. Americans are pretty ignorant to geography.. So the simplistic idea of a stable based on a theme, of Anglo-Celtic relations wouldnt work so wonderfully with yanks in my opinion.. Because they hardly know the difference. But the fact that there all "Non American" is a good starting point
    Kofi Kingston, Ezekiel Jackson, Justin Gabriel, The Great Khali. May as well throw them into an eastern type stable then seeing as the fans are geography ignorant and simplistic. Half the bloody roster is non american!

    [QUOTE[Whats the differance between our stable's for fu*ks sake?? Sheamus?? So whats your stable then?? The 3 Brits and the Decrepid Commentator?[/QUOTE]
    One big ginger that has better things to be doing. No need to resort to swearing to try and make it look like youre making a point.
    Decrepid commentator? Ha. If that's how lowly you think of Regal why did you even pick him?
    i think WWE can throw some sh*t at the wall, and see what sticks, as far as Tag Teams are concerned..
    Prime example of your sad excuse for booking. You wouldn't even offer an opponent for them.
    So whats your reasoning for the group, why did you pick practically the same exact stable as me? With guys like Cena, Orton, Christian, Hell even Miz at your desposal????
    I already gave full reason, I'm starting to think you just aren't reading my responses at all and are just skimming through them.
    I know why you did, because you could think of anything better than i did... Just like you couldnt think of anything in the last question..
    Is that a point you're raising, or just making personal comments?
    I find your lack of creativity and lack of wrestling knowledge indeed laughable, you couldnt even muster an answer in the TNA related question, this is also the second question where you've used the same answer as your competetor.. Clearly you havent the knowlegde to be at this stage of the competition especially, as there was far more worthy and knowledgeable competitors elimated earlier in the competition....
    You're not even raising any points here, it's just a personal attack because you don't like that I've made it this far. Is this really how you debate?
    Your booking was boring, uninspired and frankly would have caused fans to instantly change the channel.. Congrats though, you have all the characteristics to get a job writing for TNA..
    You haven't given anything towards booking! Why would they even tune in in the first place when you've given them no reason to?
    My reasoning had logic, They all are stuck in the Mid Card after ALL having quite metoric rises in WWE originally, and ALL being seen by casual fans, and smarks alike as the future of the WWE.. But no ALL of them are in stuck in Lower/Mid Card mediocrity. You cant deny that.. And Regal is criminally underused, being used as a mentor/manager is a way for him to at least have some exposure befor he hangs up his boots..
    Mason Ryan had two weeks of a rise and then nothing. You call that meteoric? People get pushes, they don't work, we move on and try again later if there's a good idea put forward. You can't just push for the sake of it like you're doing with your answer. You say Regal is criminally underused, but in criticising my answer you say hes not good enough to be on RAW because hes a simple NXT commentator? Crossing your answers and backtracking once again.
    Thats your opinion, but my awful reasoning is nowhere near as bad as your AWFUL booking..
    YOU HAVE NO BOOKING! AND YOU JUST ADMITTED YOU HAVE AWFUL REASONING! My booking was great! I gave full reasoning, gave how they would form the stable, and where they would go with it once formed.
    Of course your allowed to pick an identical stable to mine.. Infact i actually take it as quite the compliment that you couldnt improve on my roster choices..
    What is this obsession you have with thinking it is YOUR stable and YOUR choices? They were similar choices because we both though these wrestlers could use a stable and were the best pick from the roster. These points you seem to be making are nothing but "BUT I PICKED THEM FIRST SO YOU CANT SAY ANYTHING".
    Note: Unfortuantely you couldnt come up with a better idea than mine..
    I think it's clear I did, and promoted it as such. Your arguments are just getting childish now.
    Yes, quite honestly i do.. They have the size and strength to be a monster tag team.. I was planning on devulging more deeply in my second answer what exactly i was planning for my Stable,
    So why didn't you? You didn't even do it here. You know why? Because you have no answer for it. You have no plan. And no booking for them as a tag team.
    but tbh i was quite shocked by your lack of creativity.. So my plans went out the window..
    Really? This is your ACTUAL excuse? I honetly thought you could do better than that. :(
    Again i had planned on giving a more indept analysis of my stable, but alas i didnt,
    WHY NOT!? Because you don't have one! You've had two entire posts to give it. You wasted one post trying to take the piss out of me, and didn't put it in the second(current) one when you had the chance.
    What exactly where your reason's for putting them together? Other than because i did?
    The way you're asking for them here is insulting. I gave you full reasons for it in my previous post and you clearly just ignored them.
    I have no problem with your response, what i do have a problem with is the fact that you didnt have the balls to come up with a differant answer to mine, and the subtle differance of not having Sheamus hardly changes that much to be honest..
    Getting personal again. Walt it really is just you being pissed off that I had the better idea isn't it?
    We'll have to wait and see who the readers think is better, personally i believe my answer was more logical and far less up in the air, and not depending on numerous unrealistic factors, like yours..
    What unrealistic factors!? If you're going to make a point, BACK IT UP WITH AN EXAMPLE!
    Well i've said all i needed to say, im actually a little dissapointed after giving you a second chance in ATH, you didn't have the ability to give me a decent debate, when infact i basically then had to bash my own stable all because you didnt have an better answer of your own. Especially when there is plenty of underutilised talent currently in WWE..
    This wasn't about picking underutilised talents, it was about what stable we would like to see, why it would work and how we would book it. To suggest I can't want to see the same stable as you because you picked it first is childish.

    I really thought this debate would turn out better. Unfortunately my opponent had to resort to childish comments, personal attacks and trying to drag up old debates in an effort to win. He won't provide any decent booking for his stable,whereas I have provided the formation, the reasoning and the moving forward. He won't explain why his stable works, whereas I have explained each members position, purpose and how it will help them. Like you, I wanted to read a good debate but instead all I've gotten in response to my posts are childish comments.
    The question posed to us was this.
    If you could create a new stable in WWE or TNA, who would choose and why and how would you book them? This is now a pitch to Vince/TNA management round, they will only pick one of your ideas even if you choose differing promotions.
    Both myself and my opponent wanted to see this stable. Our answers differed in that he felt Sheamus should be included and I didn't. They also differed in that his had a lack of booking, and by his own admittance, awful reasoning. Why didn't I pick a different stable? Because this is the one I wanted to create. And I have supported my answer with reasons why I picked these superstars, how I would booked the formation, each members role in the stable and how the stable could move forward once formed. My opponent has done barely any of this.
    He chooses Regal and agrees with me that he deserves more than being a simple NXT commentator, then shoots down my idea of Rgeal on Raw because he is an NXT commentator.
    He says the average american fan never heard of england/scotland/wales (despite supertars being announced as hailing from these locations), but then in trying to make excuses for having no reasoning says these superstars have a history with each other before WWE. How are fans supposed to know that? Apparently they're too ignorant to know geography, but will know all about the wrestling promotions and matches held in these countries. He sees the need to insult these fans apparently.

    Make the right choice and thank you for reading. Hopefully someday this stable will come to fruition. :)

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,685 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    1 day left to vote for who should face thebostoncrab in the 2011 ATH final. Question suggestions for which will be gladly accepted though of course I canj only pick 1

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,685 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    With 10 votes to 4 we have our final finalist and it will be an all podcast ATH finale as Waltersobchek progresses to face Thebostoncrab with the win here. Hard luck Mitch and well played, you beat me but you'll have to wait till next year to try become ATH champion.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,083 ✭✭✭waltersobchak

    I'm honestly quite shocked that I won that, I don't think I really deserved to tbh.. But I'm looking forward to facing Sean in the final! Hard luck Mitch you were unlucky not to win..
