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Arma 2 UGAF public server

  • 27-06-2011 12:56pm
    Registered Users Posts: 68 ✭✭

    I know the clan thing doesn't suit everyone!! :eek:

    However ,we have a public server & you're free to use it whenever you want.
    No fee or clan membership .As I said , it's a public server running mostly domi & sometimes TFOR or warfare. ACE & ACRE are used.It's on 24/7....
    We have a TS server with a public channel.

    My post isn't to drum up clan members.
    My intention is only too offer a server with good connection speeds, if you happen to be stuck for a server to play on. I would be nice the get a few fellow Irish on!!
    The only thing I would ask is no Teamkilling!

    Details public:

    You can get more info regarding servers ,modstrings & TS on

