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c e supervisor interviews has anyone gone for these anywhere recently

  • 22-06-2011 12:44pm
    Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭

    have you applied for or got interview for a c e supervisor position if so how did it go


  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭tarahill

    have applied and done interviews for these positions and have all the experience that the advertisments say is required, having 3rd level qualification etc have not been lucky to get one of these jobs and yet when I enquire it always seems to be a local person to the area that has no experience or qualifications that get the positions. FAS although they fund these positions will only tell you that they are only on the inetrview panel to advise and that they dont have any say in who the sponsors apply as it is their choice at the end of the day. I have attended several interviews one in particular where a member of the interview board took phone calls and texted constantly through my interview and walked in and out of the room as often as he liked, i did make a complaint but was told that fas couldnt do anything about it. I feel that these jobs are not worth answering as its a waste of time the local little committees etc already have people lined up for these jobs. i have also noticed on a few occasions that some of these positions are re advertised again in a few months as often the person who is gave the job cant cope with the work load that is involved and that the position does require very high IT skills etc.
