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To leave or not to leave....?

  • 14-06-2011 9:43pm
    Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭

    Hey Everyone,

    I am a bit all over the place at the minute in terms of work and future job prospects. I am currently in a job which I absolutely hate, its the type of job where you wake up in the morning and you have a physical pain in your heart thinking about.....utter deppression! I just dont know what to do, I am absolutely miserable to the point I think its changing my personality ie moody, cranky and feeling down!

    The last six months have been tough trying to get through my contract and I now have three weeks left on my current contract. Why havent I left sooner?! I didn't want to be quitter, I dont want to be a type of failure and of course I think it would be a disgusting act to do walking away from a job when so many people are losing theirs.

    The work itself is okay, a retail department manager. Its the work culture and the backstabbing it breeds is something else! Everyday I wait for one of my superiors or fellow managers to throw a smart comment or just general stab you in the back. My superiors are no better. For example, one day I was rostered on a 12 hour shift and as I am diabetic I asked my superior if i needed, could I take a quick ten mins to get some food on board. His response 'sur eat a chocolate bar on the shop floor!!'

    I am not afraid of hardwork, far from it. My problem is if I leave this job and walk away then I walk into nothing. I look everyday I am off for jobs but nothing so far! I suppose really I am writing this to get an outsiders perspective, because my brain is muddled from all the thinking!!! I graduated last year with a Masters and never thought six months later I would be so confused!

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Mods if this is in the wrong forum...apologies!!!
