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ATH Knockout Round1: Machismo fan vs CM Punked

  • 06-06-2011 4:47pm
    Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,675 Mod ✭✭✭✭

    most of the way through the first round now but least ye forget
    Simplified version of the rules:

    I will post a topic and you have to post your response including why you made that choice within a given time limit (before the next match is scheduled to begin), take care while making your responses however as the other contestant can counter your arguement i.e pointing out possible flaws in what youve said.

    *you can only counter an arguement two times so make sure your point is worth making. If someone's defense of their arguement isnt good it will count against them.

    *You can use the same answer as your opponent if you wish i.e you agree with their choice however its hard to win a debate when your making the same points someone has already made

    see the OP of the main thread for further details, the 1st match's thread or if any are needed or check out last years competition.

    I believe this question was submitted by JP Liz

    Q. Cena-Rock, how would you have made the year long build up work from the first Raw after 'Mania when the match got announced? and why would your plan for it be better than your opponents?

    good luck!

    Who should progress to the quater finals? 7 votes

    CM Punked
    Machismo fan
    Bounty HunterLord TSCCMpunkedDiabhal BeagwaltersobchakJP Liz V12ndcoming 7 votes


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,943 ✭✭✭Machismo Fan

    Firstly Rock shouldn't respect Cena, these two should hate each others guts and express that hate at every chance. Rock thinks Cena is a corporate sell out who does nothing but toe the company line lacking any edge or spark, while Cena thinks Rock talks a great game but in the end will do anything to try and further his acting career (see Tooth Fairy) and abandoned the fans for Hollywood (this appeals as best possible to both Rock and Cena's fans). That's simply the base for the feud. The respect thing died when they announced the match.

    Rock should disappear for most of the year, with the announcers mentioning Rock/Cena during all of Cena's matches. Making two or three Raw appearances just to keep the match fresh in peoples minds and help build the anticipation. Having Rock show up more often would weaken the nostalgia effect. Cena defends the WWE title at SummerSlam with Rock as guest referee. Rock calls it down the middle but they occasionally get in each others face, with SummerSlam going off the air with Cena holding the belt in the face of The Rock. This is give the fans the visual of Rock and Cena in the same ring but with no contact at all, help pop a buyrate for another PPV and just tease the fans giving them a very small taste of what's to come.

    Rock returns full time the Raw after Elimination Chamber for the official contract signing where both cut promos (based on the the stuff outlined in the first paragraph). Happy-go-lucky Cena is nowhere to be seen, Cena is dead set on proving to the world that he is better than The Rock and he's beaten every challenger for his title for the last year in preparation for Rock. And the rest of the feud is simply hype. Videos of them training, interviews with past opponents putting over how tough both of them are and what a huge event them finally going one on one is (with production tracks like this, this and this to make it seem epic) - how one represents the Attitude Era and the other the modern Era and how two of the biggest, most memorable stars in history are about to face off and promos by both Rock and Cena getting this across.

    The go home show would be them going face to face for the first time since the contract signing, driving home the final sell until The Nexus come to the ring (as a play off the way The Corre did when they announced the match), Rock and Cena lay them out, the crowd explodes and Rock and Cena turn face to face and stare each other down as the announcers (preferably JR) gives the hard sell on the match.

    A couple of notes. At no time in this feud should they touch, they've already had enough physicality to set up the match and the anticipation of them wrestling will be watered down if they actually do anything physical. This match sells itself, Rock presence alone helped sell 1 million PPV's so him wrestling Cena should easily exceed that. Therefore, this match essentially requires zero angles - it would just damage the feud in the same way the goofy angles for Bret/Vince and Orton/HHH at 25 did. The anticipation is already there, all they need to do is amplify it as much as they can. Keep it as simple and basic as possible because nothing else is needed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,600 ✭✭✭✭CMpunked

    Machismo fan
    So the question is how would I book rock/cena from the first raw post mania to next years mania in Miami..
    (Before I start I would like to express that even though this post is lengthy, I feel as if it is necessary to fully answer the question presented.)

    I begin my idea by pointing out that for one I would not have the match ‘agreed’ on the night that followed mania;
    Cena and rock in ring. Cena and rock give each other the back and forth that we heard back in April, rock says how he respects cena and how he knows his heart beats for the wwe. But the rock points out that he doesn’t like cena. He thinks he plays the fans, even though he speaks to the people, he will never be the champion of the people. Cena speaks about how Rock cost him the match the night before, Rock interrupts him to tell him he did not cost him the match, Cena’s own bad judgement cost him the match. Rock just wanted to top it all off for him. Cena tells him that he never once seen the rock stoop so low like he did the previous night, But cena knows why, its because the rock is scared of Cena.
    “Is that what you think?” “IT DOESN’T…”

    See what wwe done a great job of running up to mania was making it seem like the rock and cena had genuine beef. But when they came face to face on raw post-mania, that seemed very watered down and rushed. In my version I keep the heat turned up, they don’t respect each other, why should they after what happened the previous night?

    This segment finishes with Cena saying how he knows Rock is scared of him because he knows that his ‘People’ have now become cenas people. The rock tells cena he isn’t afraid of anyone. Cena then lifts his left arm, and mimics the rock “Then just bring..” Cena doesn’t get to finish before rocky launches on cena. They start brawling. Hundreds of security rushes the ring.
    This closes raw for this week.

    Following week there is another face to face, this time with security blocking off the two sides of the ring. Rocky and Cena trash talk still.
    Cena says that he feels as if he has something to prove by beating the rock one on one, to really show that rocky has lost it.
    Rocky agrees that he has something to prove, that even though he has been away for years from the ring he can still run rings around a young cena.
    Cena asks him is it on? Rocky agrees. Cena tries to leave the ring but rocky tells him to wait. Rock says as cena issued the challenge, rock should get to name the time and place. Cena agrees. Rock says that if he is going to bring it he should bring it in his own hometown of Miami Florida. Rock announces he wants cena at mania.

    Over the next few weeks rock is off filming/promoting a movie. Cena uses this against the rock in the same fashion as he did pre-mania.
    Rock is on a chat show on a Monday night and is asked about his match with cena. The host points out how cena had been running his mouth off since the show was on air (as the two run into each others schedule) rock hits a promo on cena saying that how his people love him, he was never controversial, he was loved.

    Over the few weeks cena is interviewed and he says it is business as usual with him and the miz and he is going to put the rocky stuff to the back of his mind while he concentrates on the miz.
    At extreme rules I would have the miz going over with help from outside interference by A-ri.
    Next night on raw there is a satellite link up of rock congratulating cena, before he is told off screen that he had actually lost. Rock says that seems right.
    He tells cena he better be on form for him so he doesn’t let him down.
    Cena demands he be put in a number one contenders match. Gm says no, that the next in line is R truth. Truth does his conspiracy act and a match is set up between truth and cena for over the limit for number one contendership.

    Cena and truth both wrestle to a no contest and the GM announces the following night on raw that at capitol punishment it will be a triple threat between cena/truth/miz, but there is one catch, that there will be a guest host ref in stone cold (this could be tied in with the ending of TE).
    Cena wins at CP and has the belt.

    Rock tweets that he may make an appearance to raw to congratulate cena. Cena comes to the ring at the end of raw and rock comes out but tells him that he flew a thousand miles just to tell him that he wants cena to keep the belt until mania as he wants to take everything from cena when he beats him, including the spot as top dog in the wwe.

    Over the next few weeks truth has a few matches with cena but cena beats him clean at MITB.
    In the MITB match, CM Punk wins the briefcase.

    The build up to Summerslam is around cena as champ and no no.1 contender as such. Miz and Truth have a no.1 contender match but nexus (with punk) hit the ring and takes out both miz and truth.
    Punk says how there is no other number one contender as he is the contender to cenas title. He demands a match be made for cena against mason ryan at HIAC.
    Cena accepts and says that he will be locked in the cage with mason, which means ryan wont be able to escape.
    Ryan goes over at HIAC with the help of nexus.

    Punk says he is ready to challenge cena and he wants to do it at survivor series as it will be in Chicago. (I don’t know if it will be but to serve my story lets just say it does). The GM makes the match but informs punk that the nexus will be barred from ringside and to make sure they stay away a special guest outside enforcer will be present.
    Rocks music hits. Cena argues that rock could end up costing him the match. Rock says he still wants cena to go to mania as champ so he can whoop his ass.
    Punk says that wont happen and the nexus hit the ring.
    Rock and cena overpower the nexus and send them running. Rock reaches down and picks up the belt and slowly hands it to cena as the two face off.

    At vengeance nexus tries to interfere but rock holds them off. Punk gets the win but gets rock bottomed after the match as he laughs at rock saying he will never get near the gold.
    Cena and Punk can then go into a long-term feud. Punk can bring up how it was a year since nexus’ initial attack on cena and the feud can play off that.
    Punk points out that the original nexus attacked cena and cena came back, but the new nexus was stronger and will not let cena back up if they beat him down.
    The feud leads on over new years and it is announced that at the royal rumble the rock would have his first match back to show he is still up to the standard he was. He chooses his opponent and says he wants mason ryan, because if he can beat cena then when rock beats him it will make a point.

    The match between mason and the rock takes second to last spot on the card and rock basically squashes mason. The rest of nexus come out but are beaten down too post match by the rock. This leads to punk having no backup for his own match against cena. Cena wins by the rock coming out and distracting punk. Cena lifts the belt and rock climbs into the ring and squares up to cena. They both look at the WM sign and cena holds up the belt. When he turns away rock attempts to line cena up for the rock bottom but cena avoids it gets out of the ring.
    This closes the show.
    In the RR match Christian wins the chance to face the SD champion at mania.

    The next night on raw truth, punk & mason, miz, all come out demanding a place in the EC. GM puts them all in it along with Rey. Each week leading up to EC two of the participants in the EC are against each other in single matches until the last raw when its Rey and Cena vs. the heels. Cena and rey win but rey lays out cena and says that it will be him that goes into mania as champion and not cena.
    Cena wins the EC.

    Vince comes out the following raw for the contract signing for the match at mania and introduces cena first then the rock. Rock comes out with a load of security. Cena asks him are they there because he is scared. Rock says no that they are to protect cena. He tells cena that he cant wait to get his hands on cena at mania and he doesn’t want to let Vince down by beating up cena too much that he cant face him at mania. So Vince has it written in the contract that they are not to have a physical interaction until their match, which they both sign. Over the next few weeks they both pick opponents for each other. Rock picks Miz against Cena and Cena against Punk etc.

    In the final go home show rock says he would like to remind cena why they have a match. Video clip plays of cenas remarks about the rock running off from the wwe and cena giving out.
    Rock says that when cena spoke these words he lit a match that has now grown into a fully-fledged fire over the last few months. Knowing that the time will come when he will get the chance to unleash that fire on cena. He says that he started off not liking or respecting cena, but now he does, respect him, that is. He respects how he held himself against his opponents, ”Your good, but your still not as good as the great one,”
    But on Sunday at mania none of that will matter, as he will still prove that he can go away for a few months and kick cenas ass so hard he will have 2 sets of cheeks on his face.
    Cena tells rock that when he returned the previous year that he thought rock would stick around and he let everyone down again, and that at mania he is going to show everyone how the rock is past it….

    Thank you reader for taking the time to read this mega post. I felt I have adequately summarised what way I would book it the angle for the next year as the question did state how I would have made it work going from the first raw post mania 27 to pre mania 28.

    I feel my answer is better than my esteemed opponent as I have outlined what way I would make the rivalry work for the whole year, where as machismo seems to have just expected cena to go over every opponent he has during the year nearly leaving every story inbetween pointless and worthless.
    In my summary I have cena having meaningful feuds and struggles and even fails (briefly) to hold onto the belt. I have made the belt feel like it has added something to the rivalry instead of just being a throwaway plot point.

    Machismo makes a few points I agree with though;
    “Cena and rock should not touch”, I agree with this point but still feel the need to have a point in the year where your reminded how much the rock wants to get his hands on cena again in the same fashion as he did at mania last year.

    “This match essentially requires zero angles”
    Again, I agree with this to a certain degree. I still think cena needs to be involved in angles that make sense during the year. And ones that rock can be involved on the fringe.

    Again, thank you for taking the time out to read my response.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,943 ✭✭✭Machismo Fan

    CMpunked wrote: »
    I begin my idea by pointing out that for one I would not have the match ‘agreed’ on the night that followed mania;
    Cena and rock in ring. Cena and rock give each other the back and forth that we heard back in April, rock says how he respects cena and how he knows his heart beats for the wwe. But the rock points out that he doesn’t like cena. He thinks he plays the fans, even though he speaks to the people, he will never be the champion of the people. Cena speaks about how Rock cost him the match the night before, Rock interrupts him to tell him he did not cost him the match, Cena’s own bad judgement cost him the match. Rock just wanted to top it all off for him. Cena tells him that he never once seen the rock stoop so low like he did the previous night, But cena knows why, its because the rock is scared of Cena.
    “Is that what you think?” “IT DOESN’T…”

    See what wwe done a great job of running up to mania was making it seem like the rock and cena had genuine beef. But when they came face to face on raw post-mania, that seemed very watered down and rushed. In my version I keep the heat turned up, they don’t respect each other, why should they after what happened the previous night?

    This segment finishes with Cena saying how he knows Rock is scared of him because he knows that his ‘People’ have now become cenas people. The rock tells cena he isn’t afraid of anyone. Cena then lifts his left arm, and mimics the rock “Then just bring..” Cena doesn’t get to finish before rocky launches on cena. They start brawling. Hundreds of security rushes the ring.
    This closes raw for this week.

    Following week there is another face to face, this time with security blocking off the two sides of the ring. Rocky and Cena trash talk still.
    Cena says that he feels as if he has something to prove by beating the rock one on one, to really show that rocky has lost it.
    Rocky agrees that he has something to prove, that even though he has been away for years from the ring he can still run rings around a young cena.
    Cena asks him is it on? Rocky agrees. Cena tries to leave the ring but rocky tells him to wait. Rock says as cena issued the challenge, rock should get to name the time and place. Cena agrees. Rock says that if he is going to bring it he should bring it in his own hometown of Miami Florida. Rock announces he wants cena at mania.

    I think you're doing too much too soon here. They start tearing into each other and then decide to wrestle a year later, this would be fine if they did it a few weeks before 'Mania but a year in advance seems like peaking and then cooling down dramatically. Plus, I still don't think Rock and Cena should touch at all. Leave as much as possible for fans to anticipate instead of giving something away.
    CMpunked wrote: »
    The build up to Summerslam is around cena as champ and no no.1 contender as such. Miz and Truth have a no.1 contender match but nexus (with punk) hit the ring and takes out both miz and truth.
    Punk says how there is no other number one contender as he is the contender to cenas title. He demands a match be made for cena against mason ryan at HIAC.
    Cena accepts and says that he will be locked in the cage with mason, which means ryan wont be able to escape.
    Ryan goes over at HIAC with the help of nexus.

    Why wouldn't Punk just cash in his briefcase here when he had Cena beaten down? That and the thought of a Cena/Ryan PPV match is very frightening.;)
    CMpunked wrote: »
    The feud leads on over new years and it is announced that at the royal rumble the rock would have his first match back to show he is still up to the standard he was. He chooses his opponent and says he wants mason ryan, because if he can beat cena then when rock beats him it will make a point.

    The match between mason and the rock takes second to last spot on the card and rock basically squashes mason. The rest of nexus come out but are beaten down too post match by the rock. This leads to punk having no backup for his own match against cena. Cena wins by the rock coming out and distracting punk. Cena lifts the belt and rock climbs into the ring and squares up to cena. They both look at the WM sign and cena holds up the belt. When he turns away rock attempts to line cena up for the rock bottom but cena avoids it gets out of the ring.
    This closes the show.

    I disagree fundamentally with Rock wrestling before WrestleMania. While Rock/Cena is a huge match, it's made even bigger by the fact that it's Rock's first match in eight years. If he wrestles before that, you hurt the 'Mania match by removing some of the intrigue because it's Rock's first match in a very long time. Also in general I think you're over-exposing Rock. The more he's used the less he means each time so you should only use him as much as is absolutely necessary to maximise the meaning of each appearance.
    CMpunked wrote: »
    I feel my answer is better than my esteemed opponent as I have outlined what way I would make the rivalry work for the whole year, where as machismo seems to have just expected cena to go over every opponent he has during the year nearly leaving every story inbetween pointless and worthless.
    In my summary I have cena having meaningful feuds and struggles and even fails (briefly) to hold onto the belt. I have made the belt feel like it has added something to the rivalry instead of just being a throwaway plot point.

    Everything Cena does between now and WM will be overshadowed by Rock/Cena and rightfully so because it's an absolutely gigantic match. The rest of the year is essentially filling time between now and then, and Cena should be made look as strong as possible going into 'Mania because quite frankly nothing else really matters. WWE business will roll along exactly the same no matter what Cena does in between.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,600 ✭✭✭✭CMpunked

    Machismo fan
    I think you're doing too much too soon here. They start tearing into each other and then decide to wrestle a year later, this would be fine if they did it a few weeks before 'Mania but a year in advance seems like peaking and then cooling down dramatically. Plus, I still don't think Rock and Cena should touch at all. Leave as much as possible for fans to anticipate instead of giving something away.
    A year long build up after a match has been announced is going to always feel like it has peaked too soon. Look at how the wwe are presently tipping along with the situation at the moment. My scenario leads on from the night after mania when rock cost cena the match and title, Cena wants retribution for what the rock done the night before, rock wants to show cena he is better than him. the two of them having a very brief (i mean like 2 seconds before the security rush the ring) can always be the point that is brought up when announcers are selling the match.
    Why wouldn't Punk just cash in his briefcase here when he had Cena beaten down? That and the thought of a Cena/Ryan PPV match is very frightening.;)

    I should have pointed out that punk does tease the cash in at the end of the match, but holds back, instead just using the nexus to beat him down. The following night on raw is when he announces he is going to cash it in at survivor series, (his home town) punk can also mock the rock by doing so.
    This then leads to the GM barring nexus from ringside, because of the unfair advantage they gave Ryan the night before. Also nicely allows the rock to draw some buys for one of 'the big 4'.
    I disagree fundamentally with Rock wrestling before WrestleMania. While Rock/Cena is a huge match, it's made even bigger by the fact that it's Rock's first match in eight years. If he wrestles before that, you hurt the 'Mania match by removing some of the intrigue because it's Rock's first match in a very long time. Also in general I think you're over-exposing Rock. The more he's used the less he means each time so you should only use him as much as is absolutely necessary to maximise the meaning of each appearance.

    For one, i have used the rock about 4 times and twice on satellite link ups/talk show crossovers. To have this feud booked as that, a feud, 4 is the minmum amount of times he would have to come face to face with cena. To book this purely as a year long match build up i find slightly boring. Having the rock appear at such moments could potentially get the fans who havent watched in years who got excited about the rocks return and turn them back into active fans, engrossed in the product. Spending money on PPV buys throughout the year, instead of what they are doing presently and just waiting the year for next years mania. (like i know a lot of my ex-fan friends are doing currently)
    Everything Cena does between now and WM will be overshadowed by Rock/Cena and rightfully so because it's an absolutely gigantic match. The rest of the year is essentially filling time between now and then, and Cena should be made look as strong as possible going into 'Mania because quite frankly nothing else really matters. WWE business will roll along exactly the same no matter what Cena does in between.

    Yes but as a fan, what happens during the year should matter.
    Take your scenario, (or, exactly what is happening now in wwe) and think, do you realistically see John Cena losing the wwe title over the next 9ish months and causing the whole shpeal of having the rock/cena match for the title void?
    I dont think it could happen in your scenario, but in mine the title is used, not as a prop, but cena uses it to add a cherry on top of the whole rivalry.
    Especially when you consider in mine how i have him booked to lose the title in what could be a turning point for the feud. Cena can up his game then when he vows to be carrying the title into wrestlemania and will be able to walk out with it too.
    And come on, think how great it would be to have punk as champ again this year, albeit, as short as it would be. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,943 ✭✭✭Machismo Fan

    CMpunked wrote: »
    A year long build up after a match has been announced is going to always feel like it has peaked too soon. Look at how the wwe are presently tipping along with the situation at the moment. My scenario leads on from the night after mania when rock cost cena the match and title, Cena wants retribution for what the rock done the night before, rock wants to show cena he is better than him. the two of them having a very brief (i mean like 2 seconds before the security rush the ring) can always be the point that is brought up when announcers are selling the match.

    Ideally after the match is announced you'd want to just do very little in order to avoid peaking too early. You just need to keep the match relevant and fresh in peoples minds. All important events should happen post Elimination Chamber.
    CMpunked wrote: »
    I should have pointed out that punk does tease the cash in at the end of the match, but holds back, instead just using the nexus to beat him down. The following night on raw is when he announces he is going to cash it in at survivor series, (his home town) punk can also mock the rock by doing so.
    This then leads to the GM barring nexus from ringside, because of the unfair advantage they gave Ryan the night before. Also nicely allows the rock to draw some buys for one of 'the big 4'.

    I still don't think it makes sense that Punk wouldn't cash in. Especially with the kind of heel Punk is, why would he wait for a hometown match where the odds would be much more even (even if The Nexus weren't banned) instead of winning there and then?
    CMpunked wrote: »
    For one, i have used the rock about 4 times and twice on satellite link ups/talk show crossovers. To have this feud booked as that, a feud, 4 is the minmum amount of times he would have to come face to face with cena. To book this purely as a year long match build up i find slightly boring. Having the rock appear at such moments could potentially get the fans who havent watched in years who got excited about the rocks return and turn them back into active fans, engrossed in the product. Spending money on PPV buys throughout the year, instead of what they are doing presently and just waiting the year for next years mania. (like i know a lot of my ex-fan friends are doing currently)

    But this wasn't the case around WrestleMania this year, after WM most extra fans that watched left again and Rock's most recent appearance didn't even do that well ratings-wise. That's why I'd look to minimise his number of appearances and more importantly the nature of those appearances until after Elimination Chamber when they will mean an awful lot more to their match.
    CMpunked wrote: »
    Yes but as a fan, what happens during the year should matter.
    Take your scenario, (or, exactly what is happening now in wwe) and think, do you realistically see John Cena losing the wwe title over the next 9ish months and causing the whole shpeal of having the rock/cena match for the title void?
    I dont think it could happen in your scenario, but in mine the title is used, not as a prop, but cena uses it to add a cherry on top of the whole rivalry.
    Especially when you consider in mine how i have him booked to lose the title in what could be a turning point for the feud. Cena can up his game then when he vows to be carrying the title into wrestlemania and will be able to walk out with it too.
    And come on, think how great it would be to have punk as champ again this year, albeit, as short as it would be. :)

    No, and that's the point. Cena should tear through Del Rio, Punk, Miz, Truth, Mysterio, Morrison etc. in order to be as strong as humanly possible going into the match with Rock (plus that would annoy the internet fans even more and make them want to see Rock take him down a peg that much more). Plus, Punk winning the title for a short time does nothing for anybody. It just gets in the way of Cena going into 'Mania and Punk will look worse at the end of it for losing the title so quickly, and it'll just serve to devalue the title.

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,675 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Machismo fan
    I think we are due another reply but as this has been a week or so now... poll added

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,600 ✭✭✭✭CMpunked

    Machismo fan
    Ideally after the match is announced you'd want to just do very little in order to avoid peaking too early. You just need to keep the match relevant and fresh in peoples minds. All important events should happen post Elimination Chamber.

    I wholeheartedly disagree. This is being billed as being the biggest main event match in wrestlemania history, and even though wwe try and give every main event that title, this one they are allowing it to be a massive deal, hence the year long announcement. Like if they werent going to make it as big as they did, then why not just leave it as is and announce it more around the Survivor series/new year when they tease all these kind of matches.
    This match should be constantly drilled into peoples heads from every angle cena finds himself in throughout the year. Just like 20 years ago when they ran year long feuds with great ease. (Granted, it was a lot easier without the advancements in technology we have now) but this rivalry should set the mark as being a proper year long build instead of just a match made a year beforehand.
    I still don't think it makes sense that Punk wouldn't cash in. Especially with the kind of heel Punk is, why would he wait for a hometown match where the odds would be much more even (even if The Nexus weren't banned) instead of winning there and then?

    He wants to insult the rock by also choosing his own hometown to beat cena in.
    Earlier on in my initial post i was going in depth, quite in depth(!) and was going to try and explain that a little further by actually structuring the promo but the post was already long enough at that stage.
    But basically in my build up, Punk hates Rock, not for the same reasons Cena does like going off and leaving the wwe, (punk can use that to say he would do that any day to get away from the fans to generate heat) but that he hates how he can just come back and straight away put a target on cena when who knows what can happen.
    Rock's most recent appearance didn't even do that well ratings-wise. That's why I'd look to minimise his number of appearances and more importantly the nature of those appearances until after Elimination Chamber when they will mean an awful lot more to their match.

    I have slightly given up on watching Raw post mania. I drift in and out. But i really couldnt wait until the post mania raw to see what would happen, and they announced the match.. and that was that, see ya in a year folks!
    I address this in my scenario, make the match the thing people want to see now. Let the tension boil to a certain point, then simmer down and keep it like that until, as you said, the new years time.
    No, and that's the point. Cena should tear through Del Rio, Punk, Miz, Truth, Mysterio, Morrison etc. in order to be as strong as humanly possible going into the match with Rock (plus that would annoy the internet fans even more and make them want to see Rock take him down a peg that much more).

    I booked Cena to tear through his opponents starting with the finish of the punk as this is what would really stick out in peoples minds when it came to rock.
    Punk winning the title and keeping the title off cena for a short while should keep the cena haters happy for a short while. Then when he wins it back, it should be then that the un-cenanation/internet fans root for the rock to beat him at mania.
    Plus, Punk winning the title for a short time does nothing for anybody. It just gets in the way of Cena going into 'Mania and Punk will look worse at the end of it for losing the title so quickly, and it'll just serve to devalue the title.

    It shows that cena may not be supercena, that he can lose the belt during the year which is what i unfortunately see happening over the next 8 months or whatever. It gives cena a chance to step his fight up a gear. Cena could have an interview where he is asked "how is he expecting to beat the rock if he just got beaten by punk?"
    This could light a fire under cenas ass and bring back the more serious cena we seen going into WM this year.

    As this is my final reply i suppose this is the part where i try and speak to those who havent got to vote yet:
    Esteemed PW boards members, i come to you today, not as a man, but a dreamer. A dreamer who believes that things do not have to go the predictable way in the world of the wwe booking, that things can be different and slightly unpredictable.
    Before you make your vote, consider this; You are voting on this:
    Q. Cena-Rock, how would you have made the year long build up work from the first Raw after 'Mania when the match got announced? and why would your plan for it be better than your opponents?
    Year-Long-Build-Up. This is exactly as i have done for you good people. Given you a full 12 month run down from rivalries to run ins. I know it may be different in parts and not exactly what wwe is used to doing, but they broke the rules when they announced a match to be built up in a years time, so i merely pushed the envelope further in a similar fashion.
    Again, thank you for your time and please please remember;
    Take care, spike your hair.. WWWYKI!!

    So please:

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,675 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Machismo fan
    sorry about the delay with the vote reveal but with 63% of the vote CM Punked will face Waltersobchek in the next round. hard luck, well played and hopefully see you next year Machismo
