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Htc sense

  • 31-05-2011 3:17pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,505 ✭✭✭

    can anyone log into that? tried registering it wont pick up my phone,

    i have my wifi switched on , is there something im doing wrong


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 29,200 ✭✭✭✭_Kaiser_

    I have similar problems with it and as best as I can tell the service itself isn't the most reliable which is why there's frequently problems logging into it

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 246 ✭✭Celtic Mech

    I had Similar Problem, where HTC Sense could not locate my phone etc and make it ring when requested from the site. I emailed their Customer Support, followed the instructions and now it works perfect. Please find below the reply i was given and followed,

    Thanks for contacting HTC.
    I understand you are experiencing some issues with HTC Sense.
    Please follow the step detailed below, to ensure your setup correctly -
    1. Make sure you have fixed your location in the Location app
    (Menu, All Apps, Location, or My Location on some devices)
    2. Ensure you have Auto-Sync ticked in
    (Menu, Settings, Accounts & Sync, tick 'Background Data' and also 'Auto Sync')
    3. Also ensure you have 'Enable always-on mobile data' ticked in
    (Menu, Settings, Wireless & Networks. Its at the bottom of the list.)
    4. Check you have location services enabled
    (Menu, Settings, Location, ticking both 'Use Wifi' and 'Use GPS')
    5. Change the way HTC Sense uses the its sync partnership
    (Menu, Settings, Accounts & sync, HTC Sense -> Update schedule -> As items change (Push)
    6. Switch phone finder off, force a sync with the HTC Sense server, the switch the phone finder on
    (Menu, Settings, Location, turn phone finder off, press home, then Menu,Settings, Accounts&Sync, Sync HTC Sense, press home, Menu, Settings, Location, Turn phone finder back on, then refresh HTC Sense on your PC and it should now be active)
    I hope that this information meets with your requirements, should you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us again.
    If this response has resolved your query, and you have no further questions please close this ticket by following the link below. Upon closure of the ticket you will be invited to complete our Customer Satisfaction Survey which should take no more than 1 minute to complete.
