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Do I need a physical router on a direct connection?

  • 27-05-2011 2:28pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2,793 ✭✭✭

    I use Xubuntu 11.04, and although I have the Gufw package installed with incoming connections blocked by default apart from torrents, I have no physical router and instead my LAN NIC is connected into what I think is a repeater, which takes the cable up to the roof that is receiving a signal from my ISP, am i secure firewall wise?

    What is on the roof is Irish Broadband Breeze-VL (as far as I know VL not MAX) and looks very similar to

    It should be noted, sometimes I boot into Windows 7/Windows XP which I have installed Bitdefender on.

    Oh and I've heard many home firewalls from the likes of Linksys. who I know are Cisco's home subsidiary, are not usually adequate for security, so if you maintain I buy one please recommend some models. I have some Cisco 2600s here that are just missing WAN NICs, perhaps I could adapt one with a LAN NIC somehow?
