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Leaving the job by redundancy

  • 23-05-2011 4:29pm
    Registered Users Posts: 26

    Hi, I would appreciate your advise on the situation I am in at the moment, I was on lay off with my current employer for the past 5 months, all these time I was trying to contact them to see if I will be called back to work someday but they kept avoiding straight answers and never returned my calls. By the end of 4th month I have started looking for a new job and was lucky enough to find a company willing to take me on board full time. I've handed in RP9 form to my current employer asking for a redundancy but 7 days later I've received a counter claim from them stating they want me back for work within 3 weeks for a period of 13 weeks and I need to contact them few days in advance before the due date. I am not prepared to come back knowing they can again send me on the lay off after 13 weeks again. My husband works for the same company and he is on the contact lay off with them as well so our financial situation is quite bad. How can I reject their offer and still officially claim a redundancy? Did you here of RP6 form and when this can be used? Thanks for all opinions.
