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Polish Music Recommendations?



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,854 ✭✭✭Sinfonia

    My only real experience with Polish music is based in 'classical' music, but would highly recommend:

    Henryk Górecki
    Krzysztof Penderecki
    Witold Lutosławski
    and of course Fryderyk Chopin

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,065 ✭✭✭✭Malice

    Based on the songs below can any of our Polish users recommend something for me to listen too?
    I'm going to cheat a bit by not listening to those videos (YouTube is being bloody slow for me today :mad:). Also I'm not Polish but I do have a few Polish friends.
    Poland has quite a few metal bands that are worth checking out if you're into that sort of thing like Behemoth or Drown My Day but assuming you're not here are a few non-metal bands:

    Pidżama Porno - Kind of catchy punk/ska sort of stuff.
    A Jezusowi Kazali Spać - Rap.
    Homomilitia - Hardcore punk.
    Analog - Catchy female-fronted rock. Lyrics are in English and Polish.
    Doda - Female-fronted pop rock. Apparently singer Dorota Rabczewska is a bit of a celebrity in Poland.
    Hej - Kind of grunge rock. Some lyrics are in English but most are in Polish.
    Izrael - Reggae.

    I probably have more hiding on my music drive but that'll do for a start :).
