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MMA Seminar policy on here change.

  • 18-05-2011 3:01pm
    Registered Users Posts: 10,549 ✭✭✭✭

    MMA Seminars can be put on the main page as of from Today!
    As there directly MMA related, still use the MMA related thread stick too so its always there for people looking at schedule of seminars.

    BJJ, Muay Thai etc threads can remain in the MMA related seminar sticky thread and also over in the self defense forum.

    The only 1 rule is that once you post the MMA seminar thread you stick to that 1 to keep it highlighted and not put up multiple ones of same seminar.

    Hopefully this is helpfull to the MMA community and helps the forum keep it's place as the number 1 MMA forum in Ireland.

    Rush Boxing club and Rush Martial Arts head coach.
