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Frozen shoulder?

  • 26-04-2011 10:27pm
    Registered Users Posts: 144 ✭✭

    Before I start, let me say that I am not seeking medical advice from anyone here. I'm already going through that process, I've been with a neurosurgeon, neurologist and have an appointment next Tuesday with an orthosurgeon so it's all being done!

    I was just looking for further information before going to this appointment. It looks at this stage given clear nerve conductivity tests, nothing awry on MRI or X Ray thus far and most of the evident symptoms that it's to confirm a diagnosis of two frozen shoulders.
    <Mod snip>

    It would just be great to know if there are any extra questions or suggestions I could put to this orthosurgeon on Tuesday for further tests that could be done if he is not sure if it is a frozen shoulder diagnosis. I'm quickly learning through this process that although the medical experts are the ones to ultimately listen to, that the patient can have their own contribution to make and that information gives the patient the power to contribute towards their own well being.

    I've been living with this awful pain and lack of movement for over three months now - I'm not sure if it was all precipitated by a slip back in December that jarred the shoulders and came one gradually - but I'd like a diagnosis and therefore a plan on what to do to solve the problem as soon as possible and any help you can make that I can put to the doctors I'm consulting would be very, very welcome...


  • Registered Users Posts: 826 ✭✭✭Travel is good

    I just saw your thread today. I am presently suffering from a frozen shoulder, the right-hand one. I had a frozen shoulder on my left-hand side about 3 years ago. At that time I went into hospital for a small operation, where the surgeon released the shoulder. There was an injection into my shoulder also, I'm a bit hazy on what the injection was called.

    Afterwards I was fine. The consultant advised that I go to physio, but I admit I never went. I just did the excercises myself. My left shoulder is now fine, fully mobile and pain-free.

    I figured this would happen, but now it's back again, on the other shoulder. This time the GP has said I may not need the surgery. She has advised me to go to physio, so I am going this time, and have an appointment this evening. I have an X-Ray next week, after which the doc will advise me.

    The pain is excrutiating. I find it very hard to sleep. I did get pain killers & anti-inflammatories, which made it a bit better.

    I never suffered from pains down the arms or wrists like you, so I don't know what that is all about. I also have diabetes. I read online that it can be one of the risk factors. My glucose levels are not great at the moment. I said this to the GP but she thought that the diabetes had nothing to do with the frozen shoulder.

    If I were you, I'd take the good advice from your consultant. They are well used to dealing with these cases.

    Anyway, wishing you well. Hope it gets better for you soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 144 ✭✭lyverbird1

    Thank you so much for your detailed reply, it's very kind and considerate of you. I was indeed diagnosed with two frozen shoulders, apparently not only rare at my age but also exceptionally rare to get them at the same time. The orthosurgeon has since injected the left one which helped after the initial agony disappeared and I'm now working with a physio to loosen both of them up and hopefully avoid the need for an operation or manipulation under anaesthetic.

    I'm really sorry to hear that your other shoulder is giving you trouble after the first one affected thankfully got better - I can only imagine that it must have been a horrible feeling when you felt it come on and knew what path it was probably going on. My orthosurgeon told me it was more usual for one shoulder to be affected a year or more after the first shoulder affected rather than both together and I'm sorry that's happened to you. I understand the agony you must be going through, the pain, the lack of sleep and the lack of movement. Probably not much of a consolation in the here and now to know it does go eventually, but hang in there! My pain in both shoulders is hugely better, it used to be constant in both, even at rest but now the worst of the pain is limited to particular movements but a lot of the movement is coming back. Fingers crossed this progress continues and that your pain and discomfort goes away also.

    Best of luck and many thanks again!

  • Registered Users Posts: 36 Maxmillian

    Hi lyverbird1,

    Just found this thread now. I was a past member of and rejoined lately. I am suffering at present of a classic case of FS. I have very restricted movement of my right arm especially if I attempt to move it behind my back. The pain level at rest is about 3 but any sudden movement or twist sends it up to 9-10. 15 seconds later the pain diminishes back to normal level. I also suffered with the pain moving down into my bicep, forearm and into the wrist area too. Met up with an Ortho surgeon and he referred me for an image guided steriod injection as the treatments are limited and not guarenteed. I had the steroid injection last week with little benefit seen to date. Movement has increased by a fraction and for the first 5 days or so the arm pain subsided. Right now I am back to where I started and not sure what path to take next. I would like to hear from fellow sufferers to get some idea of what treatments they have tried, any successes or failures and to check to see how long this takes to pass.
    Apperciate any replies,


  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators Posts: 11,667 Mod ✭✭✭✭RobFowl

    All this is far to close to asking for medical advice. I'll leave it open but will edit some posts and keep a close eye on it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 36 Maxmillian

    Hi RobFowl,
    Sorry wasn't looking for medical advice at all. Frozen Shoulder is not very well understood and there appears to be alot of varied info on the web. I was just looking to see what timeframe other sufferers on here had found with this particular condition (not other shoulder injuries) and any tips they may have.
    That's all,


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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,815 ✭✭✭Vorsprung

    Mod Note

    A reminder that we can discuss FS but no "tips" should be given out.

    RobFowl might want to close this but I'll leave that up to him.

  • Registered Users Posts: 144 ✭✭lyverbird1

    Hi Maxmillian,
    Have just seen your post, sorry for not getting back to you sooner. To keep the mods happy, let me just say that I can only tell of my personal experience and say that I'm not giving advice etc etc and to continue to consult your doctor if you're still experiencing symptoms. My pain levels were a lot like how you described yours, constantly there but hugely increasing with sudden movements or contact. This of course prevented sleep so I pretty much didn't sleep for 3-4 months and was like a zombie! One shoulder was too far gone for the injection by the time I saw the orthosurgeon but the injection he gave me in the other shoulder did eventually work and around the same time I started in physio so it continued to improve and eventually the other one started improving too. It was not a quick improvement though, I needed 19 sessions over a couple of months to get back to anything resembling normal movement but I got to a point where I was 90-95% back to normal range of motion and pain free.

    I guess what I'm ultimately saying is that patience may be the key and to stick with physio, even if progress may seem frustratingly slow.

    But mainly stick with the advice of your health professionals and don't hesitate to keep returning to them or get a second opinion if you are not improving under the care of one physician.

    I hope your condition has improved at this stage and you're better or at least nearly there! Good luck!

    Maxmillian wrote: »
    Hi lyverbird1,

    Just found this thread now. I was a past member of and rejoined lately. I am suffering at present of a classic case of FS. I have very restricted movement of my right arm especially if I attempt to move it behind my back. The pain level at rest is about 3 but any sudden movement or twist sends it up to 9-10. 15 seconds later the pain diminishes back to normal level. I also suffered with the pain moving down into my bicep, forearm and into the wrist area too. Met up with an Ortho surgeon and he referred me for an image guided steriod injection as the treatments are limited and not guarenteed. I had the steroid injection last week with little benefit seen to date. Movement has increased by a fraction and for the first 5 days or so the arm pain subsided. Right now I am back to where I started and not sure what path to take next. I would like to hear from fellow sufferers to get some idea of what treatments they have tried, any successes or failures and to check to see how long this takes to pass.
    Apperciate any replies,


  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators Posts: 11,667 Mod ✭✭✭✭RobFowl

    The forum charter is quite clear on this

    "We do not offer medical advice, nor do we allow comment/discussion of people's personal medical situations."

    Thread closed

This discussion has been closed.