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Roger Nichols R.I.P.

  • 16-04-2011 11:17am
    Registered Users Posts: 7,790 ✭✭✭

    The great Roger Nichols moved to the the Great Echo Chamber in the sky recently at only 66 years old.

    I became aware of him when he wrote a column for EQ magazine which was always fascinating, thought provoking and funny.

    He started his career as a nuclear engineer before getting into music . Some of his first recordings were with school friend Frank Zappa.

    He won 7 Grammys, mostly for his work with Steely Dan who, with Roger's help really pushed recording and it's technology.

    He invented the Wendl Jnr - the first drum replacement machine and also was heavily involved in digital audio and it's development with his own plugin company.

    He seemed like the kind of guy that makes the music biz people so much fun to be around - opinionated, passionate, witty, successful and of course, musical.

    He died of cancer and left huge medical bills.

    If you're inclined you can donate to them at -


