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Tune In Radio app buffering on WiFi

  • 13-04-2011 1:53pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2,792 ✭✭✭

    I use the Tune In Radio on WiFi at home sometimes, but it starts buffering here 3-4 minutes. My broadband is fine, when I play radio, TV streams etc on my laptop, but on my HTC Desire, the Tune In Radio app keeps buffering.
    I used it on 3G Meteor data network outdoors & it works perfectly, no issues with buffering.

    Any suggestions of changes I should make or settings I should check?

    Anyone else having this issue?

    As an aside, I also downloaded the TodayFM app & that doesn't play too good either on the WiFi - sometimes goes back about 5 minutes & replays from there.
