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Looking for a cheap external soundcard (P.S I read the sticky)

  • 23-03-2011 10:34pm
    Registered Users Posts: 193 ✭✭

    I just had a quick readthrough the sticky regarding home recording.

    I'm looking for a cheap external soundcard to record bass lines over tracks that friends are sending on. I'll be using ableton.

    The soundcards in the sticky seem to be obsolete i.e line toneport etc. Well, the links to say they're not in stock. The thread was created in 2007 so might be worth updating :)

    Anyways, can anyone recommend me a very cheap one?


  • Registered Users Posts: 193 ✭✭Bobon

    Doh!! I didn't realise there was an up-to-date 2nd sticky up there.

    Mods, feel free to delete.
