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Rock Band with a Dance Producer

  • 21-03-2011 11:31pm
    Registered Users Posts: 19

    Hey, I'm in a band that started looking to record an E.P around 6 months ago. We had a few demo's and had been playing some gigs around Dublin but the whole thing was nothing serious really. After one gig in The Button Factory, my uncle, who's been producing dance music for over 10 years, said he was looking to get into recording rock bands and that he would like to give us a try.

    So we've recorded a few songs, kind of as an experiment (and also because it was free) and they've actually turned out quite good considering none of us were too sure what we were doing!

    If some of you could give them a listen and maybe give some feedback that would be really nice. My band is called The Excuses. Songs are below.


    Thanks so much!
