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James Reilly, the most pressing of issues [Water Fluoridation]

  • 13-03-2011 4:37pm
    Registered Users Posts: 201 ✭✭

    Our new minister for health has a tough task ahead of him. He has to deal with the disaster that is our health service, and one could easily argue its in a worse state than our finances.

    But among all the health issues we face as a country, there is one that needs urgent action. It is soo secretive than every chance to have it publicly debated is shot down and demoralized, soo scandalous that the inevitable lawsuits from most of the population will not ever be paid out due to the sheer size and so detrimental to the physical and mental well being of irish people that if it was happening in any other european country, those health ministers would be lynched by the side of the road.

    So many people are affected, and in so many different ways, that in fact, it may well be the biggest medical and scientific coverup in the history of the state.

    What are these health problems? Allergies, arthritis, bone disease, brain impairment, cancer, immune system problems, respiratory problems, dental decay and other dental problems, kidney issues and many more. The list goes on and on.

    What is causing these problems? Water Fluoridation.

    What is water fluoridation? It is the dumping of toxic waste substances into the public water supply for the economic benefit of those who do not wish to pay to have it disposed of properly, thus saving themselves billions anually to the detriment of unknowing populations, particularly Ireland.

    How is this allowed to happen? Corruption, negligence and stupidity are all combined to make this scandal. The real leverage and thrust of the pro fluoride lobby comes from dentists and their respected organizations. Since they are the authority on teeth and dental issues, they can get away with muder on the topic, with little or no resistance.

    Let there be little doubt that this scam is primarily orcastrated by the toxic waste industry, with the government and the dentists federations playing second fiddle. Follow the money.

    I am sure this thread will be unmercilessly attacked and there will be attempts to either close it or move it to the CT forum. If this is going to be the case then a moderator should explain him or herself fully before doing so. This is not a conspiracy theory, it is 110% real and factual and is a very serious political issue which James Reilly(among many others) raised while he was in opposition.
    Look here -
    This is the latest piece of officialism I could find on the issue at a high level. It is from march 30th 2010 and Harney does not answer either question.

    Walter Graham of the National Health Federation Ireland (NHF Ireland) recently gave a short talk about water fluoridation in Ireland. The facts and figures when laid out pretty much speak for themselves and they are shocking. . Even such small pieces of information like Holland banning fluoride and then changing their constitution to prevent it from ever happening again should be ringing some tectonic alarm bells for us in Ireland.

    But who will hear these alarm bells? John Gormley heard them, but once he got into office somthing happened..........Will James Reilly encounter the same wall of tretchery that John Gormley did? And if so, must we take action as a population to protect ourselves against this most serious of threats?

    The time to pounce on this issue will be when there is incoming debate about the water system/charges. Make no mistake about it, there is no debate here and there are no politcal obstacles, fluoride is leaving our water system forever and is not coming back. Wheather this happens now or in 10 years time is a matter for us as people. The only opposition to this will come in the form of uninformed people, bought off lobby groups and sinister individuals within certain departments who are in charge of the fluoridation program. This is no opposition to be scared of, they can and will be trampled on with ease once the public is aware of the situation and refuses en mass to pay any water charges until every last drop of rat poison is removed.

    Ill leave you with a letter from the examiner last monday, please enjoy and send your newly elected TD a letter regarding your disgust that this situation has being going on and is still going on.

    "For decades now sodium hexafluorosilicic acids (aka fluoride) has been poured into our water supply without the consent of the people and thereby force-medicating the population. (Has anyone ever been given a prescription for this medicine?)

    Fluoride is a waste by-product of the fertiliser and aluminium and phosphate industry and is a Part II Poison under the UK Poisons Act 1972. The fluoride agent used in this state is a fertiliser waste product imported from a fertiliser factory in Holland, where fluoridation is banned by law. It also contains arsenic, mercury, lead and chromium.

    According to Indian research published in Biological Trace Element Research (April 2009) blood fluoride levels were significantly higher in patients with osteosarcoma than in control groups. Osteosarcoma, a rare bone cancer, occurs mostly in children and young adults.

    A 2005 study conducted at the Harvard School of Dental Health found that fluoride in tap water directly contributes to causing bone cancer in young boys. A 2006 Chinese study found that fluoride in drinking water damages children’s liver and kidney functions.

    In 1992, the New Jersey State Department of Health released the results of a study which found six times more bone cancer among males under the age of 20 living in communities with fluoridated water.

    These studies go back decades, showing the link between fluoride and cancer, many of which are contained in Christopher Bryson’s excellent book The Fluoride Deception.

    Around 75% of Ireland’s water supply is fluoridated, the most fluoridated country in Europe.

    The Irish government has never requested the free informed consent of the population to give them fluoride in their water supply. This is contrary to the Council of Europe’s Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine (1997)."

    Michael Dorgan

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