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"Alien Life" Fossils

  • 07-03-2011 9:55am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭
    A NASA scientist's claim that he found tiny fossils of alien life in the remnants of a meteorite has stirred both excitement and skepticism, and is being closely reviewed by 100 experts. Skip related content

    Richard Hoover says fossils he found in meteorites were from outer space Enlarge photo Richard Hoover's paper, along with pictures of the microscopic earthworm-like creatures, were published late Friday in the peer-reviewed Journal of Cosmology, which is available free online.

    Hoover sliced open fragments of several types of carbonaceous chondrite meteorites, which can contain relatively high levels of water and organic materials, and looked inside with a powerful microscope.

    He found bacteria-like creatures that he calls "indigenous fossils," which he believes originated beyond Earth and were not introduced here after the meteorites landed.

    "He concludes these fossilized bacteria are not Earthly contaminants but are the fossilized remains of living organisms which lived in the parent bodies of these meteors, e.g. comets, moons, and other astral bodies," said the study.

    "The implications are that life is everywhere, and that life on Earth may have come from other planets."

    What implications do you think this has for belief in God?

    And what would be the implications if this finding were to be confirmed.

