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  • 05-03-2011 12:38pm
    Registered Users Posts: 81 ✭✭

    Footstar is the game where you are the player, starting off a clubless 17 year old and searching out greatness. It doesn't require too much effort, more so long term strategy and meeting your managers demands.

    As a player you can live it up and splash the cash on a yacht or even a private jet as well as frustrating your manager endlessly by never being fit for games and going clubbing instead of training, you can even fly to Kazakhstan right before a game for comic effect:D

    Ireland has one of the most active leagues in the game as it is, with great rivalry in the forum between teams and players battling for a NT spot (there are U18, U21 and senior national teams). We have about 170 Irish players, and there are over 30,000 players worldwide so it is a challenge to be the best.

    I have played this game for a few years now, I created a player and a team in Ireland and now am part of Irelands senior national team and my team is in the Champions League and have also been elected as president of FS Ireland. I've also bought a second character and set up another team, and I can say new Irish players are always in great demand.

    No wait is needed after signing up, you can join a team immediately (in which case I would recommend Golaccio United:D) but wherever you go I'll be happy to help.

    That link above should give you an insight into how the game works!
