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Kelloggs Corn Flakes no longer vegan :( *Vitamin D issue*

  • 26-02-2011 7:56pm
    Registered Users Posts: 3,128 ✭✭✭

    I was forwarded on the details below by a friend.
    > The Kellogg Company has a long heritage of providing consumers with high
    > quality, tasty and nutritious foods, including foods with added vitamins
    > and minerals. Due to the public health concern regarding insufficient
    > intakes of Vitamin D within the UK population (as highlighted by the
    > Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) - an advisory
    > Committee of independent experts providing advice to the Food Standards
    > Agency and Department of Health as well as other Government Agencies and
    > Departments), we have chosen to now fortify 2 of our biggest brands –
    > Kellogg’s Corn Flakes and Coco Pops, with Vitamin D. This in turn, means
    > that these products will no longer be suitable for Vegans.
    > The Vitamin D that we use for fortification (D3) is not suitable for
    > Vegans, as it is sourced from Lanolin. This is because it withstands
    > our processing methods, helping consumers meet their dietary
    > requirements in a safe and responsible manner.
    > Kellogg’s Corn Flakes will be the first to be fortified, and the first
    > production run will be the 1st of December 2010. It will be apparent by
    > its inclusion on the ingredient list, as well as on the nutritional
    > panel. We do not label our products with a vegan symbol.
    > As of March, there will be a clear indication on the front of the pack
    > that will food now ‘contain Vitamin D’, therefore alerting those that
    > normally choose to eat the Corn Flakes. But unfortunately there will be
    > a period of time (from 1 December until 1 March) that it will not be on
    > the front of pack, therefore people will need to check the ingredient
    > list and or nutritional information, where it will be stated.
    > Earlier this year, we launched a new variant of Coco Pops called ‘Choc n
    > Roll’. This too is fortified with Vitamin D. We plan to fortify all of
    > the Coco Pops range, beginning with Coco Pops Moons and Stars in the
    > first quarter of 2011, and Coco Pops Original and Coco Pops Mega
    > Munchers in the second quarter, meaning that they will no longer be
    > suitable for Vegans. (Coco Pops Rocks will also be included, but it is
    > not currently suitable for Vegans).
    > We do value your comments and appreciate the differing needs of all our
    > consumers and do no want to exclude anyone from enjoying our products.
    > We will keep you informed via the Vegan society of any changes we make
    > with fortification of our products.
    > Other products that we offer that remain suitable for Vegans include:
    > Just Right
    > Fruit and Fibre
    > Frosties
    > Rice Krispies
    > Rice Krispies Multigrain
    > Raisin Wheats
    > Kind regards
    > Louise Hartley
    > Consumer Services Representative

