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aperture3 help

  • 22-02-2011 2:26pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 275 ✭✭

    Hey all,

    hopefully there is an aperture expert among you all!! I'm a PS man but I bought aperture for my wife along with a 5dmkii...

    She had been using iphoto, and had two iphoto libraries as she works off a macbook air, one of current stuff on the MBA and an ALL images library on an external HD

    To begin with I made a referenced library of her iphoto current library, which was fine.... Since then I have been trying to work out how to move her completely to aperture, so.....

    I have imported all her iphoto libraries as managed files into a master aperture library on the external HD....

    Now I want her to have a referenced copy of that on the laptop so she can "see" all of her photos and then a "current" library of managed files exported from Aperture so that she can edit the master files....

    I hope that makes sense!

    Does anyone know if this is even possible?? I want this all to be nice and simple for her, so any advice on how to achieve a similar result but in a different way would be good.... of course she doesnt want to lose any of her iphoto edits or events/albums making it much harder to start with a clean slate!!




  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,260 ✭✭✭swingking

    You need to right click on iphoto library, click show package contents.

    Next thing is to make an alias of the originals folder. Now you have access to the masters.

    In aperture, use the relocate masters option and locate the masters folder using the alias and send these to the external HD. Make sense?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2 jlinaschke


    If I understand you right, you want to migrate entirely to Aperture, be able to view all of your (her) photos on the MBAir, but not have to fill up the hard drive with the master files. Assuming that's right…

    Aperture allows you to work "managed" or "referenced". Managed is when all the master files are stored inside the Aperture library (the package), and referenced is when they are stored somewhere else. If I understood you correctly, you have an Aperture library on an external drive that is currently running managed.

    To switch that to referenced, open Aperture select the "photos" tab on the left, select ALL the pictures in the Library (you may need to select SHOW ALL in the search field) [screenshot], and then from the File menu, choose Relocate Masters <a href="">[screenshot]</a>.

    Move them masters elsewhere on the external drive, and then quit Aperture and copy the (now much smaller) library to the MBAir internal drive.

    At this point open Aperture again (double-click on the Aperture library on the MBAir to ensure that it opens the right copy), and go back to the Photos view, and select all again, and choose File > Locate Referenced Files. Now we need to ensure that all of your photos are linked. Chances are they will be, but if not, it's easy to fix.

    In the Referenced File Manager window that opens, select a file (any file) in the top section under File Path, then locate that matching file in the bottom section. (If there is no bottom section, click the Show Reconnect Options button). Once you've found a match, click Reconnect All and all files will reconnect automatically. [screenshot]

    I hope that helps,
    -Joseph @ApertureExpert

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 275 ✭✭jaybeeveedub

    that sounds exactly right....

    so aperture is exporting it's managed files to a "finder" folder??

    I'll give that a shot when I get home

    many thanks for the ( extremely detailed!!) help


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2 jlinaschke

    so aperture is exporting it's managed files to a "finder" folder??

    Correct. You'll see more options on export as to where you want to put them. If you put them on the same drive, then the transfer will happen very fast as it will only move the files; if you put them on a different drive then it has to copy so will take much longer.

    You're welcome for the help, my pleasure.
    -Joseph @ApertureExpert

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 275 ✭✭jaybeeveedub

    thanks Joseph,

    I'll let you now how I get on!!

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