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Autism meets the Laois Offaly Candidates

  • 17-02-2011 3:46am
    Registered Users Posts: 30

    I am not affiliated with any politician, I am just a parent of a disabled Child.
    I have just met Rotimi Adebari tonight, and although he didnt know key issues about Autism. He is the one politician in Laois Offaly area ( I thought John Whelan was good as well) that I will be voting for.

    I am put off by the present political format, more so about how our politicians are resigned to report to Europe, when a decision needs to be made. I mentioned John Whelan, he is labour, they are still committed to the Ecb and co first, not to us, although listening to John Whelan tonight, I felt he was very realistic and resourced in his views. ( attendees also Brian Stanley and John Moran, who we are also very grateful for their attendence).

    Each candidate was given honest answer and the truth they all gave a good account of themselves, there were no cheap shots, they just answered the question and it is clear, they gave a damn.

    The fact of the matter is our country is going to tax and mainly cut to make up 9 billion and is this is dictated by the IMF. Our parties have signed for this and its the intellectual disability budget is always cut first.

    John Maloney never bothered to turn up, although we probably would of torn him a part. In fact no FF even turned up

    All present admitted they knew very little about autism at this meeting for Loffa chaired by IAA CEO Kevin Whelan and organised by Edel Shaw, secretary for Loffa.

    I will be voting for thse people come the general election, however Adebari will get my number one vote, he is a professional politician that overcomes being a minority, an lecturer in Economics and a former mayor of Portlaoise. He is an independant with no affiliation to party whips and not a CRONY!!!!! I wont be voting the other Independents, they obviously felt there are more important people. I feel Adebari is a breath of fresh air, that the dail needs.

    But for the record I would urge people to consider voting for these four candidates. They came in to meeting of broken families, with shocking stories. Especially there was a bigger lobby in Tullamore meeting politicians ( farmers). Our Candidates came to listen to people.

    Candidates Thanks to Kevin Whelan
    Rotimi Adebari and the brilliant Edel Shaw
    John Whelan
    Brian Stanley and John Moran


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 TapperIRL

    I too have met many of the candidates in the Laois Offaly constituency. So far i have to say Rotimi has impressed me the most. He speaks with a clears understanding of the anger and frustration that we all feel. The one of two that I have not met don’t seem getting out there at all. I had cause to ask Rotimi for help over an issue i have with some building that was going on behind my house. Even though he not a councillor for my area he drove out to my house and then did all he could to see that i got my rights respected. None of my local councillors even returned my calls on the issue. I did not expect he could alone resolve the problem I was having but it was fantastic getting his support. In the end i did get the matter resolved.

  • Registered Users Posts: 30 Scorpdoc

    Rotimi has pledged he will support Autism if he is elected or not. He just strikes me as a candidate that is telling the truth.
    I really hope he gets elected. Its just been usual crony suspects in Laois/ Offaly.

    Total farmers lobby stuff, most of the farmers would probably tell them to get lost, if they were not in fear of losing out.

    The cronies will win again :( sadly.
