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TeamViewer App - Control your pc/laptop - FREE

  • 16-02-2011 9:48pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭

    I was trying this app and found it nice. You can see the whole desktop and control your pc.

    1. Download the app from here and install on your phone:

    You can use QR code or download it to your pc and move it to your phone and install it using any of the file managers eg. ES Explorer. The file size is only about 1.2MB so quite small. NOTE - you will have to enable the following option in Android once: Settings - Application settings - Unknown sources (enable)

    2. Download this small application to your pc. No installation required. Run the application. It will show you YourID and Password.

    3. Open the installed application on your phone and enter the id and password that you see on your pc/laptop.

    And there you go... you have your desktop on your phone. You can move the cursor by scrolling on the screen, click to open/close any application etc.

    Note - The application uses internet connection on your pc and phone.

    Enjoy :)

    Just to add this application is available for Iphone as well.
