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Is it possible to transfer a Notepad file to iTouch...

  • 14-02-2011 10:39pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,964 ✭✭✭

    ..and to be able to view the file on the iPod?

    Thanks in advance!!:)


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 894 ✭✭✭Willbbz

    Email it to your own email address and pick it up in the mail app that's already loaded onto the itouch

    There might be a simpler way but that's my 2cents

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 25,701 ✭✭✭✭coylemj

    If you have Outlook installed, here's how to do it....

    Attach the iTouch to the PC and start iTunes. Click once on the iTouch on the left of the iTunes screen, then on the main part of the screen click on 'Info', the last item on the main menu under the Apple logo.

    Scroll down to 'Other' and observe the setting 'Sync Notes with..', make sure this box is checked and the destination is set to Outlook. If it was not active then tick it and sync now.

    Open Outlook, at the bottom of the lefthand column under Mail, Calendar, Contacts, Tasks you'll see a bar with three icons, the first one is a yellow square, hover the mouse pointer over it and 'Notes' will popup in a box, click this icon. Now in the main part of the screen you'll see whatever Notes you have on the iTouch, one yellow square per note.

    At this stage open the text file you want to send to the iTouch, swipe (select) all of the contents and copy to the clipboard. Back to Outlook, make sure that Notes is still displayed. Click on 'New' (just under File/Edit) and it will open a yellow box for a new note, Paste the contents of the text file, optionally put a title line at the top (this will display on the iTouch when you open Notes) and close the window. Now sync and the new note will be sent to the iTouch.
